Function Name | ||
AcquireAndShowXFERData | Acquire data from $CESR_OFFLINE\instr\anal\cbpmII\diag\XFER_BPM_Matlab_Data, and plot it. | |
PlotBPMINSTPedestals | Function to plot data for each gain setting, from either the file BPM_INST_params.cfg, or one of the instrument_parameters.##### plot Pedestals for e+, e-, 14-NS, Gain-TABLE, and normalized Gain |
ProcessProcData | Function to plot Concantenated CBPM Process Data files | |
DispSpecialDiagTimLoop2 | Function to determine how good the timing settings are in either instrument_parameters.##### or BPM_INST_params.cfg | |
ProcessTurnByTurn | Function to process Turn by turn data for triplet | |
ProcessTSAndCCScan | Function to plot data from Time Scan CC and TS files on top of each other. This was to see if there was a offset or shift from one type of data to the other. It looks like there is, but it is not that substantial in the middle where we care about. |
ProcessTScanSimple | Function to plot TimeScan data from a TS file | |
ReadInRawDataFileComplete | this function is over in $ACCR/CESR/CESR_instr/CBPM-TSHARC/matlab/performance_diagnostics | |
ReadInPosition | Function to read in data from either an RD file, a butns file, or a PROC file, or a cesrv orbit and plot the position of each BPM | |
Test_Everything | A function to test a number of different functions. | |
ProcessTScan | Function to plot <nop>TimeScan data from a TS or CC file | |
PlotOrbitFromRaw | Function to plot Orbit from BPM RD Raw file | |
DispSpecial |
A special top level function. Often it plots something. if you look towards the top of the file, you'll probably find out some examples of calling this function commented out. |
DispSpecialDataSetOverview | Generate a bunch of plots to whos various aspects of a set of RD files, for the BPMs around the ring. | |
DispSpecialSVD | Plot the SVD for a set of RD files, collecting turn by turn data for all the ring BPMs | |
DispSpecialOrbit | Read in RD file and plot orbit | |
DispSpecialReadInPosition | Plot orbit from RD, PROC, BUTNS, and cesr to compare | |
DispSpecialRawData | Function to plot histograms for a specific BPM from turn by turn data from the ring | |
DispSpecialCrossTalk2_2 | Plot data used to calibrate current monitor | |
UpdateProcFileList | Function to determine which BPMs are in each PROC file | |
UpdateRawFileList | Function to determine which BPMs are in each RD file, Function is here: $ACCR/CESR/CESR_inst/CBPM-TSHARC/matlab/performance_diagnostics | |
There are a bunch more functions | but this is as far as I got with the top level functions before it was time to go home. |
Function Name | ||
AcquireAndShowXFERData | Acquire data from $CESR_OFFLINE\instr\anal\cbpmII\diag\XFER_BPM_Matlab_Data, and plot it. | |
AddConstToNegativeNumbers | add a constant to negative numbers, in order to convert signed number into unsigned number | |
addLabel | add an element (value in labelToAdd) to the list named Label | |
AddMarkerSymbols | add some default symbols to plot markers: .,x,+,^,h,s | |
AnnotatePoints | add text to points specified by indicies array | |
ApplyCrossTalk, ApplyCrossTalkBriefer | ||
ApplyDetCal | apply corrections contained in $CESR_ONLINE\machine_data\mach_meas\orbit\detcal.ok | |
ApplyGainCorrectionToButtons | Adjust button values, based on Gain corrections, taking from BPM_INST_Params.cfg, on Feb 20 2012 used by ProcssProcData.m and ProcessTurnByTurn |
Bisect | The bisection method is used to locate a root. | |
BitVal | extract a particular bit from a word | |
Blankout | blank out a part of the array | |
ca | A script to close all open figure windows | |
CacheResult | execute an expression, and save the result, so the next time CacheResult is execute, just load results instead of executing expression | |
CacheResultScript | Script that executes an expression, and save the result, so the next time CacheResult is execute, just load results instead of executing expression (Use ExtractResultScript to extract the data after calling the script) |
CalcSymmetricLog | Function to calculate log(Array) and also log(-Array) and display the real parts of both where abs(Array) >= minV | |
CalcTimeScanForRing | This code is incomplete. It is unclear what the FileIndexRanges should be. | |
CalculateDec1012CurrentMode | used by GenerateCurrentMonCalibProcessFiles | |
CalculateFuncWhenInstrDoesntChange | ||
ApplyGainCorrectionToButtons | Adjust button values, based on Gain corrections, taking from BPM_INST_Params.cfg, on Feb 20 2012 | |
ca | A script to close all open figure windows | |
CheckErrors | Determine if the error contained in the parameter or input "me" is a memory error | |
ClosePlot | close a figure , set some globals | |
ComputeBiggestYScaleUsingMedian | Compute a Min and Max for data list, using the median and quartiles of the of each array in the data list | |
ComputeYScaleUsingMedian | Compute a Min and Max for data, using the median and quartiles of the data | |
ConcatLists | concatenate two lists | |
ConditionalPause | Function that pauses MATLAB IF there is a 1 in this file: DoPause.txt | |
DisplayFigOnebyOne | Display each figure, then pause and wait for a key to be press to display the next one | |
PlotSimple | Description: Plot a X,Y, or just Y function | |
PlotSimpleListSubPlots | Plot X vs. Y's: Y{1}, Y{2}, ... | |
PlotSimpleSubPlots | Plot X vs. Y's: Y(:,1), Y(:,2), ... | |
PlotSimpleSurface | Plot a 2D function as a surface | |
PlotSimpleYY | Plot 2 X,Y functions on the same plot | |
PlotBPMINSTPedestals | Function to plot data for each gain setting, from either the file BPM_INST_params.cfg, or one of the instrument_parameters.##### plot Pedestals for e+, e-, 14-NS, Gain-TABLE, and normalized Gain |
PlotBPMINSTPedestalsDiff | Function to plot the difference between two files for the Pedestals for each gain setting, from either two instrument_parameters.#####, or one instrument_parameters.#### and BPM_INST_params.cfg |
PlotBPMINSTPedestalsDiff2 | Function plots the Pedestals from one file, and the difference between the pedestals between two files | |
DispSpecialBPMINSTPedestals | Function to plot the Pedestals for each gain setting, from either the file BPM_INST_params.cfg, or one of the instrument_parameters.##### plot Pedestals, and Pedestal RMSes for e+, e-, and 14-NS |
DispSpecialDiagTimLoop2 | apply BPM timing diagnostics to instrument parameters file, or BPM_INST_params.cfg, and output results to status<instrument parameter file name>.txt statusBPM_INST_params.cfg.txt |
ProcessRawForBPMs | Function to save orbit in format Lorraine Bobb wanted | |
ProcessTScan | Function to plot TimeScan data from a TS or CC file | |
ProcessTScan2 | ||
ProcessTScan2_1 | ||
ProcessTScan3 | ||
ProcessTScan4 | ||
ProcessTScan60Hz |
I | Attachment | Action | Size | Date | Who | Comment |
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statusBPM_INST_params.cfg.txt | manage | 17 K | 15 Jan 2015 - 10:29 | UnknownUser |