FMB User Cheat Sheet FMB beamline status page http://new CESR status page
FMB Useful links This page is no longer maintained as of 3/2022, please see: Main.LouisaSmieska 1 Mar...
Full Field Imaging What is Full Field Imaging? Full Field Imaging is any imaging technique in which all pixels of the image are collected at the same time, in pa...
Instant Plot: FMB SAXS/WAXS data viewing and reduction Adding path to .bashrc You only need to do this once you're setting up a shortcut for yourself. 1 On N...
InstantPlot to NetCDF This step is in use as of 2022 2 and is used to convert the output of InstantPlot batch processing or the script (whi...
2D XRF data processing with Praxes Opening praxes 1. Connect to NoMachine, and open a terminal window. 1. Hop to another node on the cluster: Use: qrsh q ...
CLASSE IT documentation for NoMachine can be found here. Desktop client Installing the NoMachine remote access client Download and install the free enterprise c...
Remote computing for FMB More details on these steps can be found in the CHESS user guide: guide Getting started: checklist 1....
SAXSWAXS Automation Setting up SAXS WAXS automation 1 After obtaining raw detector images from calibrants, follow the steps outlined in pyFAI calibration gui ...
SAXS/WAXS workflow tools These instructions apply to the SAXS/WAXS workflow tools released in 2023. Official documentation here: https://gitlab01.classe.cornell.e...
Scan Probe Image Collection This page serves as a tutorial to complete the Scan Probe image collection technique. For information on how to complete Fullfield ima...