View/Edit a Stock Item Price

  1. Navigate Cards -> Inventory -> Item
  2. Enter stock number
  3. Change BOTH standard and current price to reflect most recent purchase price
    1. Note: Only the standard cost shows up during sign-out

View/Edit Order Point/Order Up To qty/min-max order qty

  1. Navigate Cards -> Inventory -> Item Resource Planning
  2. Enter stock number
  3. Change Site ID to WILSON

Find a Stock Item

By Stock Number
  1. Navigate Cards -> Inventory -> Item
  2. Enter Stock Number
By Description
  1. Navigate Microsoft Dynamics GP -> SmartList
  2. Expand "Inventory"
  3. Click "Items"
  4. Click "First 1000 records..." to open filters window
  5. Change Search Definition 1 to the following
    1. Item Description; contains; (enter keyword or keywords)
By Vendor Item Number
  1. Navigate Microsoft Dynamics GP -> SmartList
  2. Expand "Inventory"
  3. Click "Vendor Items"
  4. Click "First 1000 records..." to open filters window
  5. Change Search Definition 1 to the following:
    1. Vendor Item Number; is equal to; (Vendor Part #)

Find Existing Vendors for Items

  1. Navigate Cards -> Inventory -> Vendors
  2. Enter Item Number
  3. Change "Vendor Lookup" from All to Assigned
  4. Click the magnifying glass next to Vendor ID

Correct "Missing U of M" Exception Error

  1. Navigate Cards -> Inventory -> Price List
  2. Enter Item Number
  3. Make sure "Selling Group" and "Default Price Level" both say RETAIL
  4. Add U of M where it says "Default Selling U of M"
  5. Underneath that, edit the fields as follows:
    1. Price Level should say RETAIL
    2. U of M should be whatever the selling unit of measure is
    3. Currency ID (under Price Level) should be Z-US$, which will probably autofill if you type z
  6. Hit Save

This topic: CLASSE/Inventory > WebHome > HowDoI
Topic revision: 19 Nov 2024, BenjaminStevens
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