Stockroom Reorder Process

  1. Navigate to eShop
  2. Find vendor
    1. Occasionally, vendor names listed in GP will differ from those on eShop
      1. EX- Allied Electronics -> RS Electronics
      2. EX- Friedman Electric -> Cooper Electric
  3. Click on vendor name, select "Punch Out"
  4. Order online as you would anywhere
    1. Clicking "submit cart" the final time will return you to eShop
  5. Fill out business purpose
    1. Something like "Wilson Stockroom Inventory"
  6. Click "Submit Cart" in the upper right corner
  7. Fill out shipping information if necessary
    1. Building Code for Wilson Lab is 2085
    2. Building Code for JBC is 6075
  8. Click "Setup Distribution"
    1. Enter "U553308" as Account and "1600" as Object
    2. Click green + at the end of the row
    3. Click "Distribute to items" underneath
  9. Make sure required contact information in bottom right of the page is filled out
  10. Click "Calculate"
  11. Click "Submit"

Gas Inventory Reorder

  1. Navigate to eShop
  2. Select Airgas, then "Punchout"
  3. Select canisters and add to cart
    1. Submitting cart will return you to eShop
  4. Fill out business purpose
    1. Something like "Wilson (or Annex) Gas Inventory"
  5. Instead of clicking Submit Cart, Click "Assign Cart" right next to it
    1. Assign to Christina Rice (

This topic: CLASSE/Inventory > WebHome > PurchasingWorkflow
Topic revision: 07 Oct 2024, BenjaminStevens
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