The Graduate Student Webpage
Welcome to the graduate student resource page. This webpage provides both resources and current events that may be useful to graduate students working on CLEO.
Current Events
Journal Club
The next scheduled Journal Club is on June 15th, at 4pm in Newman.
Speaker: Alan Schwartz, University of Cincinnati
Title: Charm Physics At the U(4S) With >500 fb-1 (Belle)
Graduate Student "Pizza Lunch"
The next pizza lunch is TBA...
Science Article
4/11/07 -
In-depth article about LHC in The New York Times
Postdoc Openings
Florida Institute of Technology Openings:
Postdoctoral and Ph.D. Research Assistant in Micropattern Gas Detector Development. The Department of Physics & Space Sciences at Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, Florida seeks to fill openings for a Postdoctoral Research Associate and a Doctoral Student Research Assistant in a project exploring muon radiography of nuclear contraband using advanced Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors, such as GEM detectors.
Texas Tech Postdoc Openings:
Texas Tech University Postdoctoral Positions for CMS Experiment at the LHC. The review of applications will begin on May 1, 2007 and the
search will continue until the positions are filled.
CLEO Members Now In Industry
A database of former CLEONs now working in industry (non-academia).
CAM 2007
CAM 2007 Homepage

This year's CAM 2007 meeting is being held August 9-12, 2007, at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
Charm 2007
Charm 2007 Homepage

This year's Charm 2007 meeting is being held August 5-8, 2007, at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY.
Other Conferences
For a complete list of relevant conferences, visit the
"CLEOAC 2007 Conferences" page. This page also includes information for practice talks, abstract templates, deadlines, etc.
Resources for Starting a CLEO Analysis
So, You Want To Do a CLEO Analysis?
Check out these links:
Other Useful Links
CLEO Run Management
CLEO Shift Management
CLEO Software Documentation