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Results from Computing web retrieved at 18:30 (Local)

CLASSE Management of macOS Computers Increasing adoption of Macintosh computers by CLASSE personnel has led to a need for Mac management software that helps us co...
GlassFish CLASSE has migrated most production Java EE applications to Payara from Glassfish. For instructions on using Payara, please see PayaraServer. Many CLAS...
Java Web Application Development Java Java EE / Jakarta EE (Java EE 9 ) is the java specification for developing web applications and services. Currently, all C...
Payara Many CLASSE users and groups are using the NetBeans IDE and Payara Application Server for developing and deploying java applications. "payara.classe.cornel...
r6 - 28 Apr 2022 - 14:02 by admindo-mrr39
Web Applications CLASSE IT has created and maintains several web applications: * Timesheet * BeamPASS * BusOffAppSuite * Invoicing * CLASSEUserAcco...
Number of topics: 5
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