CLASSE Compute Farm

The CLASSE Compute Farm is a central resource of 60+ enterprise-class Linux nodes (with around 400 cores) with a front-end queueing system that distributes jobs across the Compute Farm nodes. Our queueing system supports interactive, batch, parallel, and GPU jobs, and it ensures equal access to the Compute Farm for all users.

Note that Compute Farm nodes are configured identically to our Linux desktop systems, and they all have direct access to the same central file systems. Therefore, jobs that are developed interactively on any Linux system can easily be transferred to the Compute Farm to run in batch mode.

In addition to conventional CPUs, we are also developing GPU capabilities in the Compute Farm.

Getting started

Continue to this page for detailed instructions on using the CLASSE Compute Farm.

Compute Farm Default OS Switch to AlmaLinux 9

Please see the Compute Farm Default OS Switch to AlmaLinux 9 section of the GridEngine page.

Maximum Running and Queued Job Limits

Please see the Maximum Running and Queued Job Limits section of the GridEngine page.

Farm Grid Engine "Best Practices" Topics

GridengineUseTopics - prepared for "the-more-you-know" CHESS talk on 13-Jun-2019

Slideshow presentation (updated June 2019)

This topic: Computing > ComputeFarmIntro
Topic revision: 07 Jan 2025, AttilioDeFalco
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