A Guide to CLASSE Computing Services #LogIn Log In When you obtained your CLASSE computing account, you were provided a userid and you set your own passwor...
Change Your NetID Password About a dozen people in CLASSE must change the password associated with their Cornell NetID before April 2nd. Everyone should make a pr...
E'mail Scams: Nobody needs your personal information You will frequently receive messages which claim that your email or other sevice is changing and which ask yo...
E Mail Migration Cornell's central mail service is now on a Microsoft Exchange Server. To access it, please use Outlook, Outlook Web Access, or Apple Mail, not Th...
CLASSE Laptop User's Guide Quick Tips * CLASSE Managed laptops are configured with ZeroTier which provides an always on VPN. You do not need to do anything manu...
CLASSE Network and System Status This page contains information on issues currently under investigation. If you know of or are experiencing any other problems, p...
August 4th, 2014 Today's topics: Running Linux programs from Windows: the CLASSE GRID icon The Windows desktop program "CLASSE GRID.exe" (the program previously ...
August 8, 2011 Today's topics: CESR Control System down starting at 9am Tuesday, August 9th. The CESR Control System will be down on Tuesday August 9th. Start...
August 11, 2014 Today's topics: Getting notifications of outages While we strive to notify people of changes to computing in this newsletter, sometimes services ...
February 9th, 2015 Today's topics: CLASSE Managed Computers: Flash updates Adobe has had many updates in the last two weeks. Each time there is an update, Mozill...
July 25, 2011 Today's topics: More Phishing bogus email warning On Thursday, July 21, many people received email from a non Cornell address claiming that thei...
June 1st, 2015 Today's topics: CLASSE IT Help Desk hours suspended in Newman and PSB Mike Roman has been injured in a bike accident and will not be in for a bit....
June 03, 2013 Today's topics: CLASSE IT Help Desk In the upcoming week, we will be establishing a CLASSE IT Help Desk in Wilson 229, which will be staffed by an ...
March 25th, 2013 Today's topics: Outage for WinAPP re configuration Tuesday There will be a 1hr outage Tuesday Morning starting around 8:30 to reconfigure WinAPP...
November 7, 2011 Today's topics: Outlook and Exchange problems Cornell's central Exchange email service has had many problems during the past week. Although the...
Monday, November 9th, 2015 Today's topics: Brief network outage at 10am on Tuesday, November 10th At 10am on Tuesday, 11/10, there will be a brief network glitch...
November 16, 2015 Today's topics: Another bogus phish: do NOT "Update your Cornell University Webmail" Many people have received yet another attempt to steal the...
October 10th, 2011 Today's topics: Windows Office 2010 upgrade: substantial disruption starting Monday evening, October 17 You must close all Windows Office pro...
September 19, 2011 Today's topics: Exchange migration started on Tuesday, September 6, 2011. CIT began migrating all mail accounts from servers running Exchang...
September 26, 2011 Today's topics: Email Problems CIT is still in the process of moving email accounts from the old Exchange 2007 servers to the new Exchange 20...
Monday, September 30, 2013 Today's topics: WorkDay Problems? If you are having problems accessing WorkDay (e.g. long periods of the "busy" indicator), please su...
Video Tutorials Several Video Tutorials are designed to work with Firefox on computers managed by CLASSE. If you have difficulties viewing a video in Firefox o...