CLASSE IT Privacy Statement The CLASSE IT group takes the privacy of its users' electronic data very seriously, and we make every reasonable effort to protect the...
Data Stewardship Important files must be stored on reliable file servers CLASSE maintains more than a dozen multi terabyte RAID file servers. They'll reliably st...
Linux Laptop Users Guide Change Network Settings To switch between wire and wireless, use the "Networking" icon in the upper right corner of your screen. Afte...
Linux at CLASSE Please see Linux Introduction for a brief introduction for newcomers to Linux. See CLASSE Linux Overview for a presentation on Linux at CLASSE. I...
Accessing Central Filesystems from CLASSE Linux Boxes CLASSE provides several network accessible fileystems to our linux and unix systems using NFS. For a compre...
Access from Windows to Central Filesystems For a comprehensive list of available filesystems, please see
Old LEPP SupportedHardware and Network Status 2004 2010 _This page contains information on issues that were under investigation in 2004 2010. If you know of or a...
Old LEPP Network Status Notices 2011 2013 This page contains information on issues that were under investigation in 2011 2013. If you know of or are experiencing...
July 1, 2013 Today's topics: CLASSE Windows Systems will update the Firefox Package at 10PM 7/1/2013. This evening there will be updates applied to Firefox to ES...
July 8, 2013 Today's topics: Accelerator File Systems Upgrade (lnx113 deprecation) 4pm Monday, July 8 Starting at 4pm Monday, July 8, the following accelerator...
June 11, 2012 Today's topics: Networked Filesystems LEPP provides several network accessible fileystems to our linux and unix systems using NFS. As with all ce...
Monday, June 18, 2012 Today's topics: ACCFS (lnx113) to be down Tuesday morning Maintenance has been scheduled for accfs (also known as lnx113) starting at 10a...
March 21, 2016 Today's topics: CLASSE IT Privacy Statement The CLASSE IT group takes the privacy of our users' electronic data very seriously, and we make every ...
March 23rd, 2015 Today's topics: CLASSE Managed Windows Firefox and Flash update March 23, 2015 We are updating Firefox and Flash for security patches during the...