While the CLASSE-IT group is dedicated to helping all CLASSE members with their computer requests, we can provide only limited assistance with problems encountered on personally owned systems or for systems which we don't administer.
While we cannot provide specific support for home and non-CLASSE computers, we do occasionally get a chance to look at various products and sites that provide help to home users. Sites and services that we are aware of will be listed here. These are only suggestions and not specific recommendations of sites, services or products.
Do It Yourself Online Support
CLASSEComputingSuggestions - how CLASSE computer group members set up their home computers.
Professional Remote On - Line Support (Broadband Internet Required)
Professional Local Support
The following is an incomplete list of companies in the local area which may be able to help with computer problems. Typical support charges are $60-$100 per hour plus parts; more for immediate emergency service. We cannot provide recommendations for any particular service.
Company |
Contact Info |
Services provided |
Easy Mobile Tech/Staples |
1-866 439-8327 http://www.staples.com/sbd/cre/marketing/tech_09/?storeId=10001& |
General Personal computing support |
Geek Squad/Best Buy |
1-800 433-5778 http://www.geeksquad.com/ Pyramid Mall |
General Personal computing support |
The Computing Center |
(607) 275-3524 http://www.compcenter.com/ service@compcenter.com 15 Thornwood Dr |
Windows and Macintosh computer support, printer and peripheral repair, hard drive recovery, web design |
The Computer Room |
(607) 277-8336 http://www.croom.net/ 619 W State St, Suite 6 |
Windows and Macintosh computers, iPods and mp3 players, printers |
Computer Gurus |
(607) 277-4878 http://www.comp-gurus.com/ |
Windows, Unix/Linux, and Macintosh computer support, networking, security, programming, web design |
Useful Downloads
Security Software (including Anti-Virus)
These security vendors offer free products for macOS and Windows which seem to work well, as well as paid upgrades that have been well rated:
These security vendors offer products (with free trials) for macOS and Windows and are well rated:
Most, perhaps all antimalware vendors sell their software using an annual subscription model.
Antimalware vendors that offer free versions or free trials will "encourage" you to upgrade to a paid version.
These are just suggestions. You should evaluate your vulnerabilities and what protections your home computer needs, including the availablity of support from local providers.
Also, antimalware software ratings are somewhat fluid. At the time you are considering which vendor to choose, it works well to do a search on "_vendor1_ vs _vendor2_".
CLASSE members have had good experiences with ESET, Bitdefender, Avast and Comodo.
CLASSE IT cannot provide any assistance in managing antimalware for user-managed computers.
We have created several scripts that have been used on CLASSE systems to protect against the USB malware. They are portable, and are available at the bottom of this page as .zip files which you can download. To use, extract the .zip file to a folder, and run the appropriate file:
- autorundisable.zip: This will disable AutoRun and update Windows. You may need to reboot - run autorundisable.exe
- DisableINF.zip: This will disable another method to run files on opening a flash drive. It will reboot your PC - DisableINF.exe
- ScanPChome.zip: This will attempt to see if you may be infected. Can have False Positives - ScanPChome.exe
If your computer is infected, you will need to contact an appropriate HOME support provider as described above. CLASSE cannot assist in cleaning home computers.
CLASSE is providing a modified
USB Malware Test that may be used from most linux systems. For more information, please see
USB Malware test.
Users with Cornell-owned individual productivity computers that are not managed by CLASSE-IT may meet the security goals of
Certified Desktop using tools of their choice. However, to qualify for Certified Desktop compliance, these tools must be evaluated by Cornell IT Security Office (
Some of the CIT tools for Certified Desktop can be installed on user-managed systems, as described below.
Spirion (confidential data scanning)
Cornell provides licenses for
Spirion to be installed on Cornell-owned computers:
Code42/Crashplan (cloud-based continuous backup)
Cornell-owned computers that are not managed by Cornell or by CLASSE-IT can make use of
Code42 for cloud-based continuous backup. However, these computers must be registered through a unit that is set up with Cornell's Code42 service. Unfortunately, CLASSE is currently not such a unit.