Video: Switching From Wireless To Wired LNS Protected

Windows 10

Windows 7

Several Video Tutorials are designed to work with Firefox on computers managed by CLASSE.

If you have difficulties viewing a video in Firefox on a CLASSE computer, please report the problem to

CLASSE video tutorials require v7 or later of the Flash plugin and might not work with browsers other than Firefox (e.g. Internet Explorer, Chrome or Safari). Sorry, we can only fix problems associated with use under Firefox.

  • To pause or resume a video, click on the "pause/play" button, which is just to the left of the green progress bar at the bottom of the video.
  • To restart a video, press the "Reload" button of your browser or F5, or click on the left end of the green progress bar at the bottom of the video.
  • To step to a particular time in a video, click on an appropriate location in the progress bar. (Dragging the end of the bar doesn't work.)
  • Some older systems at the lab have insufficient speakers for these videos. If you have such a system, you may borrow a set of basic headphones from the HelpDesk.

-- JamesPulver - 2011-03-11

This topic: Computing > WebHome > ExchangeCalendar > VideoTutorials > SwitchingFromWirelessToWiredLNSProtected
Topic revision: 26 Feb 2019, JamesPulver
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