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Results from HEP/SWIG web retrieved at 00:29 (Local)

CMS Database Bookkeeping System * Requirements Analysis * Brainstorming whiteboard pics * Web services tools * Object Relational Mapping Tools * Re...
r6 - 05 Dec 2006 - 12:50 by AndrewDolgert
Actor Goals for CMS DBS Here we write goals for known actors in order to get a sense both for the interfaces to the system and for a good granularity for use case...
r3 - 08 May 2006 - 08:56 by AndrewDolgert
Actors The CMS DBS is an internal actor in a much larger system. While other internal actors have already been identified, responsibilities and collaborators of t...
r3 - 10 May 2006 - 11:02 by AndrewDolgert
Business Rules 1. An experimental group will not publish data until it has written papers about it themselves. 1. For each new version of software, you have...
NEW - 26 Apr 2006 - 17:35 by AndrewDolgert
CSA06 Use Cases //TWikiDocGraphics/arrowup.gif DBS Requirements Description of CSA06 We will start with use cases for CSA06. The description on the CERN CSA06 wi...
r6 - 22 Jul 2006 - 10:27 by AndrewDolgert
Domain for CMS DBS Use Cases The basic processes of detector physics help name datasets and parts of datasets manipulated by the DBS. We provide a glossary here. ...
r8 - 26 Jul 2006 - 10:23 by DaveDykstra
More Use Cases for the DBS Actors * Prodagent on CMS Wiki Already running using DBS. Not looking for more use cases. * CRAB on CMS Wiki Same as Pro...
NEW - 28 Nov 2006 - 13:55 by AndrewDolgert
Nonfunctional Requirements for CMS DBS 1. There is a limit on how many events can be in a single job. 1. Tier 1 Production must continue if connection with ...
NEW - 26 Apr 2006 - 17:36 by AndrewDolgert
Scope We keep a quick reminder of the scope of these use cases at the top of our list. It should guide us in choosing which scenarios to pursue in detail and whic...
r3 - 26 Apr 2006 - 16:47 by AndrewDolgert
//TWikiDocGraphics/arrowup.gif DBS Requirements Usage Narratives and Use Cases for People Interacting with Data Management The usage narratives cover human inter...
r3 - 19 Jul 2006 - 09:09 by AndrewDolgert
Use Cases Usage Narratives These usage narratives are warm up for use cases. They cover some trivial and some interesting uses of the CMS Data Management System....
r17 - 01 Jun 2006 - 16:19 by AndrewDolgert
Statistics for HEP/SWIG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads:...
Number of topics: 12
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