Topic TrackSlacModulesStatement .
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Revision r2 - 01 Dec 2005 - 18:39:00 - TimNelson
Parents: WebHome > Instructions > CreateProjectPage > TrackSlacModules
"Development of Silicon Microstrip Sensor Modules"
The baseline tracker design for the SiD detector concept takes advantage of the machine characteristics of the ILC to achieve a major reduction in material compared to previous large tracking systems based upon silicon microstrips. This requirement, considered essential for silicon tracking by all of the detector concepts, is realized in this design by the elimination of many components that have been essential in previous similar detectors. The other critical requirements for any large-scale silicon tracker; modularity and ease of mass production; arise naturally in this design by the use of very short (single sensor), monolithically-constructed, universal modules built from components mass produced by outside vendors. Progress to date consists of development of the detector module design (primarily at SLAC), and development of the overall tracker design that accommodates them (primarily at Fermilab). However, establishing the viability of this novel concept will demand significant new research and development efforts in order to establish a proof of principle in the form of a complete prototype detector module by 2007. The key element in mass reduction is the complete elimination of hybrid electronic circuit boards that have been required in the past to service the front-end readout chips. This is achieved by bump-bonding the readout chips directly to the face of the silicon sensor, which leads to the need for several new developments in order to produce a working prototype:
- The development of bump-bondable silicon microstrip sensors that use a double-metal layer to connect a high-density bump-bonding array to the readout strips. Issues of capacitance, crosstalk and robustness to bump-bonding will have to be addressed. SLAC has begun the process of discussing the design with vendors and funds will be required in order to produce first prototypes for testing in 2006.
- The development of readout chips that bump-bond directly to the sensors. A first, small-scale prototype of this chip; a variant of the KPiX chip designed at SLAC for the SiD silicon-tungsten calorimeter; has been submitted and will be received for testing before the end of calendar year 2005. This chip uses analog storage cells and a pulsed power scheme to provide a beam-crossing stamp for each hit together with the quiet conditions during acquisition and low heat generation required by the direct mounting of the chip on the face of the silicon sensors. Future versions of this chip to be developed at SLAC during 2006 will need to be further differentiated from their calorimeter counterparts and will thus require significant funding and effort. It is expected that UC Davis will play an important role in the development of bump-bonding techniques required for the monolithic assembly of the modules.
- The development of flexible power and readout cables along with techniques for mechanical and electrical connection of the cables directly to the face of the silicon. While these cables are relatively simple, a safe and reliable scheme for low impedance connection of these cables directly to the silicon is required, since a double-metal layer on the silicon itself completes the connection of power and readout traces on the cable to the KPiX chip. In order to develop suitable techniques, a prototype cable must be designed alongside the silicon sensors during 2006, presumably at SLAC.
Please address the following questions in your statement.
- What are the goals of this R&D project. How does this R&D project address the needs of one or more of the detector concepts?
- If there are multiple institutions participating in this project, please describe the distribution of responsibilities.
- Are there significant recent results?
- What are the plans for the near future(about 1 year)? What are the plans on a time scale of 2 to 3 years?
- Are there critical items that must be addressed before significant results can be obtained from this project?
- Is the support for this project sufficient? Are there significant improvements that could be made with additional support?
Topic TrackSlacModulesStatement .
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Revision r2 - 01 Dec 2005 - 18:39:00 - TimNelson
Parents: WebHome > Instructions > CreateProjectPage > TrackSlacModules