

See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
See also Developing plugins, Developer's Bible, Technical Overview

Parent package: Foswiki::Plugins
Child packages:

    internal package MediaPlugin

    initPlugin($topic, $web, $user, $installWeb) → $boolean

    • $topic - the name of the topic in the current CGI query
    • $web - the name of the web in the current CGI query
    • $user - the login name of the user
    • $installWeb - the name of the web the plugin is installed in

    _MEDIA( $session, $params, $topic, $web ) → $html

    Handle MEDIA tag.

    _handleEmbedMov( $source, $session, $params, $topic, $web ) → $html

    Calls _createHtml with type 'mov'.

    _handleEmbedWmv( $source, $session, $params, $topic, $web ) → $html

    Calls _createHtml with type 'wmv'.

    _handleEmbedSwf( $source, $session, $params, $topic, $web ) → $html

    Calls _createHtml with type 'swf'.

    See Flash OBJECT and EMBED tag attributes.

    _handleEmbedAudio( $source, $session, $params, $topic, $web ) → $html

    _handleEmbedGeneric( $source, $session, $params, $topic, $web ) → $html

    Embeds generic media formats such as 'html'. See Objects, Images, and Applets.

    Calls _createHtml with type 'generic'.

    _createHtml( $source, $params, $type ) → $html

    Reads in type specific template and substitutes attribute placeholders.

    _getTemplateName ( $type ) → $text

    Gets the name of a type specific template. For instance: type 'swf' gets template 'mediaplugin_swf'.

    Creates mimetype tabe $MIMETYPES from reading and parsing attachment 'mimetypes.txt.

    mergeHashes (\%a, \%b ) -> \%merged

    Merges 2 hash references.

    trimSpaces( $text ) -> $text

    Removes spaces from both sides of the text.

    Shorthand debugging call.

    Topic revision: r1 - 24 Jun 2022, ProjectContributor
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