The bmad-l mailing list is used to send information on Bmad developments (updates, news, etc.) to interested people. The volume of e-mail is small - Typically less than one a week.
The bmad-devel-l mailing list is for programmers. This list is used to report code changes, bugs, etc. The volume of e-mail is typically less than once a week.
There is a SLACK workspace for Bmad where people can post questions, bug reports, etc. To join, please send email to David Sagan (see below for address).
For CMake issues when using a Cornell CLASSE computer, send a problem or bug report to Attilio De Falco
Please provide the output of the following commands, in the SAME terminal session that the build fails:
[ -z $DIST_F90 ] && type $ACC_SET_F_COMPILER || type $DIST_F90
[ -z $DIST_F90 ] && $ACC_SET_F_COMPILER --version || $DIST_F90 --version
type gcc
gcc --version
uname -a
cat ~/.bashrc
cat ~/.bash_profile
cat ~/.profile
CLASSE ACC Mailing List
There is an ACC Code mailing list (classe-acc-comp-l) to which you can subscribe in order to stay up-to-date on the status of ACC Build System,Release rotations, and other important information. This is a low frequency mailing list (typically less than 1 email a week) and is mainly for information about the Lab computer system.