The ACC Build System Introduction The build system is simply a collection of scripts (based on cmake, python and bash) used by an Accelerator code developer to...
Bmad Help and Mailing List Information The Bmad Mailing Lists Bmad has two mailing lists: 1 The bmad l mailing list is used to send information on Bmad dev...
Information for using the provided Plotting Packages %TWISTY{mode="div" start="hide" showlink="Show Table of Contents " hidelink="Hide Table of Contents" showimgr...
ACC Repository Information The ACC Repository provides the MAIN, officially managed area for codes critical to the CLASSE Accelerator Physics Group. Please see Co...
Administrative Tools for use by the Code Librarian A substantial set of tools has been developed and refined to make administering the ACC Software Archive as pai...
The ACC Repository Authorization Mechanism and Developer Mailing Lists The ACC repository is served from the machine accserv ( and it is in...
The Bmad Build System Introduction The Bmad build system is the system used for building Bmad outside of the ACC build system which is used with the Cornell CL...
Creating a Docker Container on Windows for a Bmad Distribution Prerequisites Docker for Windows requires Hyper V, which is a component of Windows. Hyper V is not...
Bmad Distribution Download Page How to Download A "Bmad Distribution" is a self contained collection of libraries and programs meant for use outside of the Lab's...
Bmad on GitHub GitHub Repositories Files for the Bmad Distribution are contained in two repsitories on GitHub. * sim/bmad external p...
The ACC Build System %TWISTY{mode="div" start="hide" showlink="Show Table of Contents " hidelink="Hide Table of Contents" showimgright="" hideimgright=""}% Intr...
Release Build Control and Administration Info * The Release Building System Used to generate the assortment of releases required by users * Administrative...
* This Page is Outdated and is Slatted for Retirement... * Building and Running with the Accelerator Physics Code Libraries at CLASSE An Overview The Accele...
Troubleshooting ACC Code Issues Introduction On this page we will document some of the most common and most often issues seen while attempting to build and run A...
Debain Variants (Ubuntu, etc.) Setup for Building a Bmad Distribution Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04 supplies GCC version 5.3, which is sufficient. Earlier versions supply ...
Cornell Accelerator Software Overview and Definitions Overview The Cornell accelerator software can roughly be divided into two parts: * General accelerato...
#EnvSetUp Environment Setup for CLASSE Releases Releases builds of Bmad, CESR control system, and other software on the CLASSE Linux Computers. CLASSE Releases a...
Creating a Docker Virtual Environment for a Bmad Distribution Overview NOTE: Using Docker to setup a Bmad Release has essentially been abandoned in favor of us...
Bmad Installation Note: This documentation is for the installation of Bmad outside of the Cornell CLASSE Release system. Bmad Release Overview Off site (outsid...
Compiler, Debugger, Linux, CLASSE, and Other General Documentation %TWISTY{mode="div" start="hide" showlink="Show Table of Contents " hidelink="Hide Table of Cont...
Program Profiling "hideimgright=""}% Introduction If you have a program that takes a lot of time to run, profiling is a way to find out where the program is spen...
Building standard control system and simulation software libraries, of the type typically found in 'cesr_YYYY_MMDD_d' named releases is done using the 'build_mast...
Remote Access to the CLASSE Linux Computers Using the X11 windowing system when accessing CLASSE computers from a remote computer can be slow due to the firewall ...
Viewing Source Files There are two ways to view source files: * Viewing the ACC Code Repository (See below. Requires a CLASSE user account) * Downloading a ...
Running Programs it is assumed that if you are running Off Site then a Bmad Distribution has already been built or you are using a Conda Forge instance. If not, p...
Using The Standard Accelerator Physics Analysis Applications Each official libraries release also contains a collection of pre built analysis programs. Programs s...
This page will serve as a very cursory overview of the key points to using a Unix like operating system in the course of our daily work here in the lab. Entire bo...
The information in this document is obsolete. All CLASSE VMS computers were shut down on January 17, 2017. All commands can be either lowercase, uppercase, or mi...
#CmplrVersions Information on Lab Compilers, Debuggers, and Other Support Programs As a reminder, full documentation for the software mentioned on this page can ...
Building and Linking Against CESR Portable Code on VMS Note: All VMS systems were shut down on January 17, 2017. The information below is obsolete. Default...
Building and Linking Against CESR Porting Codes on VMS Note: All VMS systems were shut down on January 17, 2017. The information below is obsolete. Default...
Cornell Accelerator Software Main Page See the Overview and Definitions page for an overview of the Cornell accelerator software environment. Compiler Requirem...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this ACC/ACL web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to ...
ACC/ACL Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the ACC/ACL web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and , a...
Building and Running with CESR Codes on Windows Computers at LEPP Requirements On windows site the following must be installed: 1. Cygwin GNU bash, version 2.05b...
Windows/MSYS2: Building a Bmad Distribution Developed by: Thomas Gläßle t_glaessle "AT" Preparing the build environment We describe building with MSYS2:...