Creating a Docker Virtual Environment for a Bmad Distribution
NOTE: Using Docker to setup a Bmad Release has essentially been abandoned in favor of using
Conda-Forge. The Docker setup instructions are kept here for reference.
Docker is a program where software can be run in a virtual environment called a
container. In particular, containers may be setup to build Bmad
Distributions . The advantage is that for people with no experience, it is easier to setup a container than it is to setup a Bmad Distribution directly on your local computer. The drawback is that a container adds a layer between a program to be run and the user. Alternatively, using
Conda-Forge is oftentimes the better solution.
Note: Running Docker on Linux requres sudo privileges.
Some definitions:
- Image: A Docker image is a file that contains code that is executed in a Docker container.
- Container: A Docker container packages up an image and all its dependencies so the application runs from one computing environment to another.
Some Docker commands:
docker # List of docker commands
docker help # Help on a command
docker ps -a # List all docker containers
docker rm $(docker ps -aq) # Remove all containers
docker images # List docker images
docker rmi $(docker images -q) # Remove all images
Creating a Docker Container on Windows
Non-Windows Docker Setup
Linux Ubuntu:
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install
- sudo docker run hello-world. Expected output:
Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
0e03bdcc26d7: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:d58e752213a51785838f9eed2b7a498ffa1cb3aa7f946dda11af39286c3db9a9
Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest
Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly
If docker is already installed, check that the docker daemon is running. On a Mac you will see a docker icon in the menu bar (bar at top of screen) towards the right. If the daemon is not running, Run the docker program and this should start the daemon.
- From download and install Docker Desktop.
- Open Docker to complete the install process.
- You can check to see if Docker is running by issueing the ‘docker’ command in a terminal window.
Non-Windows X11 Setup
X11 is used by Tao and other programs displaying graphics.
Needed is the X11 Core and Development Libraries (libX11 and libX11-devel). For installation instructions, see the section
Libraries and Tools Needed for Compiling of the Bmad Distribution Setup page.
- Install XQuartz from
- In the XQuartz preferences, go to the "Security" tab and make sure the “Allow connections from network clients” box is checked.
- Restart XQuartz.
- X11 communication between the container and the local computer is via the computer's IP address. To find the IP address, use the ifconfig command
ifconfig en0
In the output, if you see a line beginning with inet (but not inet6) like inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
then the IP address is If there is no inet line, the IP address should be associated with port en1. So use en1 in place of en0 in the ifconfig command. The IP address can be bound to a variable using the command export IP_ADDR=$(ifconfig en0 | grep inet | awk '$1=="inet" {print $2}')
(use en1 instead of en0 if the IP addresss is associated with en1). To check if the IP address is correctly bound, use the echo command: > echo $IP_ADDR
- To Add the IP address to the list of authorized clients that can connect, use the command
xhost + $IP_ADDR
To check that the authorized client list is properly setup, use the command xhost. The result should look something like: > xhost
access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect
Non-Windows Building a Container
FROM centos:8 as builder
# Install developer tools
RUN groupadd --gid $GROUP_ID bmad
RUN adduser --uid $USER_ID --gid $GROUP_ID bmad
RUN dnf -y update \
&& dnf -y group install "Development Tools"
RUN dnf config-manager --enable PowerTools
RUN dnf install -y xorg-x11-apps
ENV buildDeps gcc-gfortran cmake libtool libXt-devel readline-devel bc pango-devel cairo-devel
RUN dnf install -y $buildDeps
# Get Bmad distribution
RUN echo "Distribution name is: $BMADDIST"
RUN curl -O$BMADDIST.tgz \
&& tar -xzf /$BMADDIST.tgz \
&& mv $BMADDIST bmad_dist \
&& rm -rf /$BMADDIST.tgz
RUN chown -R bmad:bmad bmad_dist
USER bmad
WORKDIR /bmad_dist
# Make RUN commands use bash
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
# Bmad dependencies
# Build Bmad
RUN echo "export ACC_PLOT_PACKAGE=plplot" >> util/dist_prefs \
&& echo "export ACC_ENABLE_SHARED=Y" >> util/dist_prefs \
&& echo "export ACC_ENABLE_FPIC=Y" >> util/dist_prefs \
&& . util/dist_source_me \
#&& cd plplot;mk # For testing
&& util/dist_build_production
ENV DIST_BASE_DIR /bmad_dist
ENV lat $DIST_BASE_DIR/tao/examples/cesr/
CMD ["bash"]
FROM centos:8 as builder
# Install developer tools
RUN dnf -y update \
&& dnf -y group install "Development Tools"
# Get Bmad distribution
RUN echo "Distribution name is: $BMADDIST"
RUN curl -O$BMADDIST.tgz \
&& tar -xzf /$BMADDIST.tgz \
&& mv $BMADDIST bmad_dist \
&& rm -rf /$BMADDIST.tgz
WORKDIR /bmad_dist
# Make RUN commands use bash
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
# Bmad dependencies
ENV buildDeps gcc-gfortran cmake libtool libXt-devel readline-devel bc pango-devel cairo-devel
RUN dnf install -y $buildDeps
RUN dnf config-manager --enable PowerTools
RUN dnf install -y xorg-x11-apps
# Build Bmad
RUN echo "export ACC_PLOT_PACKAGE=plplot" >> util/dist_prefs \
&& echo "export ACC_ENABLE_SHARED=Y" >> util/dist_prefs \
&& echo "export ACC_ENABLE_FPIC=Y" >> util/dist_prefs \
&& . util/dist_source_me \
#&& cd plplot;mk # For testing
&& util/dist_build_production
ENV DIST_BASE_DIR /bmad_dist
ENV lat $DIST_BASE_DIR/tao/examples/cesr/
CMD ["bash"]
- It is assumed that you know how to use a command line terminal app on your computer. If not, please seek local guidance.
- Make sure the docker app is running. See above.
- Copy the above script to a directory on your computer and name it Dockerfile-full
- In the directory that holds the Dockerfile-full file, build the Docker container using the command
Linux BMADDIST=$(curl
sudo docker build -f Dockerfile-full -t docker_bmad \
--build-arg USER_ID=$(id -u) --build-arg GROUP_ID=$(id -g)
docker build -f Dockerfile-full -t docker_bmad --build-arg BMADDIST=$BMADDIST .
Notice the period at the end the command. The above command will create a Docker container called docker_bmad. Note: Docker containers are held by Docker in a central location and not in the directory from which the container was made.
Non-Windows Running a Container
First make sure you have followed the steps for the
X11 setup.
To run a container use one of the following commands. The
-v option mounts (associates) a local volume (directory) with a directory in the container. A colon separates the local directory name from the container directory name. If the container directory does not exist, Docker will create it. Modify the local directory name in the examples to correspond to an actual local directory. Mounting volumes is optional and is used as a way to share files between the container and the local computer.
sudo docker run --rm -ti -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY -v "/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix" \
-v "/etc/group:/etc/group:ro" -v "/etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro" docker_bmad
docker run --rm -ti -e DISPLAY=$IP_ADDR:0 -v /Users/dcs16/:/dcs16 docker_bmad
This example mounts the local mac directory
/Users/dcs16 with the docker container directory
/dcs16. Modify this to match your home directory.
On the container command line the following test can be made:
xclock # A window with a clock should appear
tao -lat $lat -geom 400x500 # This runs tao and a plot window should appear