********* GET BETATRON PHASE *********
This will calculate the betatron phase coefficients for a single bunch of
either species, and generate setup/comparison coefficient tables for
instrument installation and diagnostic purposes.
Enter species [POSITRONS=0, ELECTRONS=1] [0]:
species = (0) POSITRONS
Which bunch do you want to examine (1-183) [1]:
Will acquire 40960 turns of data.
   (a) 60Hz line-synchronous trigger (must use data enable: either -t or script)
   (b) Injection trigger             (must use data enable: either -t or script)
   (n)o triggering
Select acquisition triggering type:  [n]:
input = 2
Will immediately acquire the data with no trigger.

Answering this question will start the acquistiion.

Generate phase tables for setup/comparison? [y/n][y]:
Prep() function status = 2
--Copying and transferring structure set...
--Initializing command...
--Executing command...
--Waiting for handshake completion...
<ctacf040> ..........................................  CMD_DONE  (3)
--Post function loop...

[INFO  | 07/28/14 13:45:42]:
 == GET BETATRON PHASE                  (Measure Phase) Command Status Summary ==

 Instrument    Location    Active            Status           | Instrument    Location    Active            Status           |
  ctacf040      1E           *     (0) SUCCESS                |
Executing 'final' function...
MailboxID = 0
********************* Bunch = 1
target_Xphase = 159.540436
target_Yphase = -156.872360
generate tables = 1
Stored Offset       = 0
Stored Wait Value   = 0
[INFO  ]cbpm_phase2db:  X,Y amplitude,phase written for turns offset (0) and phase_race_wait (0) to node CSRBPM PDATA 1553-1568
[INFO  ]cbpm_phase2db:  X,Y amplitude,phase written for turns offset (0) and phase_race_wait (0) to node BTN PHA DATA 1553-1568
Average signal amplitudes: 56.124069   -35.106583   -21.392790   14.817120
-- Writing BUTTON data for ctacf040 ( / CESR_BPM_1E
   to elements 789 through 792 in node CSRBPM DDATA
-- Writing BUTTON data for ctacf040 ( / CESR_BPM_1E
   to elements 680 through 683 in node BPM ORB DATA

                                  - Status of Instruments -

  Name    Hostname  Turn Cnt |  Name    Hostname  Turn Cnt |  Name    Hostname  Turn Cnt |


# online : 1
# in List: 1
Percentage online:   100  , Failure Threshold:   90

  1E      ctacf040  921093   |
[INFO  | 07/28/14 13:45:43]  Begin post-command status check/recovery:   ...

-- MatthewStedinger - 28 Jul 2014
Topic revision: r1 - 28 Jul 2014, mgs9
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