
Visual DSP++

This is the development environment for code that runs on the Analog Devices digital signal processor chips used in instrumentation devices. The most recent version we employ is 5.0 and is now the standard version with which all DSP code should be built.

Basic Requirements:
  • A collection of source files / header files
  • A project file ( .dpj )

Project Settings
The project file contains global configuration settings for the entire project and also allows you to configure settings on a per-file basis. Some of the most important settings thus far have been:
  • Relative-path include directories
  • Global optimization
  • File-specific optimization
  • File-specific double type size
  • Preprocessor MACRO definitions

Build Sequence
  • Code is compiled.
  • Linker produces a .dxe file.
  • ELFLoader produces a .ldr file with bootloader attached suitable for remote flashing into DSP nonvolatile memory.
Topic revision: r2 - 30 Nov 2007, MattRendina
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