
CBETA System Tests - BPMS

*Responsible personnel: Rob Michnoff, Rob Hulsart
*Date: February xx, 2019

Description of test

Confirm that all EPICS IOC names communicate with the defined hardware module.

Test Procedure

  • Open the EDM screen xxxxx
  • Click on XXX to do something important
  • Provide embedded pics if needed and links to spreadsheet lists or other details
  • Do this that and other stuff
    • Expected result: xxxxxxx
  • Do more important stuff
    • Expected result: xxxxx

Actual results

(02/xx/2019, name) As expected. <br>
  • links to related details

Problems found

List any problems

Other notes

  • blah blah blah
-- RobMichnoff - 17 Jan 2019
Topic revision: r1 - 17 Jan 2019, michnoff
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