
Intro: GeoPIXE: File selection for the Maia, a.k.a. "Where's my data?"

This video explains where to find the raw and analyzed data from your Maia run when navigating the general GeoPIXE file selection window.



  • If you collected data using real-time imaging, the images that were produced by the real-time processing will be stored in the "analysis" folder as "run number-RT.dai" files (e.g., 1234-RT.dai). These images can be helpful for getting a general sense of your sample, but you will still need to carefully examine and fit the spectra and re-process the data to obtain your final results.

Previous: IntroGeoPIXEFileSelectGeneral

-- LMS - 15 Mar 2016
Topic revision: r3 - 21 Aug 2018, aw30
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