
Intro: GeoPIXE: Workflow overview

The resources on this page are intended to introduce the general process of working up XRF data in GeoPIXE. The topics referenced on this page are explained in greater detail in their own videos (links referenced in the video are also found on the main GeoPIXE tutorials page).


General outline of workflow steps

1. Collect calibration foil data (raw blog files)

2. Collect sample data (raw blog files)

3. Calculate flux/charge calibration from foil data (needs to be done for each foil- when energy is changed, etc.)

4. Import raw blog files as spectra and apply flux/charge & energy calibrations

5. Fit the spectra (adjust yields calculation; adjust elements, background, cuts, etc.)

6. Generate a new DA matrix

7. Generate a processed set of XRF elemental maps from the raw data using the new DA matrix in the Sort EVT window

8. Examine the maps in the main GeoPIXE window and locate regions where fit needs refinement

9. If fit is adjusted, regenerate a DA matrix and re-process the raw data to give new elemental maps

10. Save the elemental maps (qualitative and/or quantitative)


Here is a schematic diagram showing how all the different data analysis processes and windows in GeoPIXE contribute to generating a processed set of XRF elemental maps.

  • Yellow ovals represent information about your experiment that are set while the data is being collected, but are not digital GeoPIXE files (e.g., sample geometry, how flux was measured, which calibration foils were used, etc.)
  • Rectangles represent types of digital files
    • Yellow rectangles represent information about your experiment that are set while the data is being collected that are saved as digital GeoPIXE files (pileup and throttle files)
    • Fields in blue represent raw data
    • Fields in green represent analyzed XRF data
    • Fields in purple represent files related to data analysis
  • Gray diamonds are GeoPIXE windows

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-- LouisaSmieska - 05 May 2016
Topic revision: r5 - 21 Aug 2018, aw30
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