INTRO: X2Go: Starting up an XFCE session

Since XRF data sets are stored at CHESS, in order to work with them you will need to log in to the CLASSE computing network. The software program that allows you to do this is called “X2Go.” X2Go is available for both Mac and Windows, and is the essential starting point for connecting to CLASSE and using GeoPIXE. Instructions for installing X2Go are found in the Notes section below.

Before attempting to connect to CLASSE via X2Go, you will need to be granted access to the CLASSE network. For participants in CHESS workshops, we will request that accounts be created for you. For others, you can request access here:



The first time you open X2Go, you will need to set up your preferences for logging on to the CLASSE network:

1. Open X2Go.

2. To set up a new set of preferences, click on the starred file icon in the upper left.


3. At the top of the window, change the session name to something memorable (e.g. XFCE session).


4. In the middle of the window, fill in "" under "Host." Fill in your CLASSE ID under "Login." Changes to the host network are not anticipated, but would be listed here:

5. Change the session type to XFCE in the "Session type" drop-down menu at the bottom of the window. Click OK. This will close the window. If you need to edit this session further, click the "pencil" icon to see all your sessions, or click on the small triangle in the lower right of the session setup you wish to edit.

6. From the main X2Go screen, click in the background of your new session setup box. You should now be prompted to enter your password. Enter your CLASSE password, and click ok. The CLASSE desktop should pop up shortly.

7. To end the session, go to the main X2Go screen and click the lower right "Terminate" button. When X2Go asks if you're sure, click Yes. Your desktop will close and session is now ended.


Installation Notes

Here are Windows- and Mac-specific instructions for installing X2Go.


1. At this link,, follow the instructions under "Installation on a Non-CLASSE computer."

2. Follow instructions in the video, or under "Usage on a CLASSE computer not connected to a lab network on a Personally owned computer," to try and launch a session.


1. You may need to download or update X11 or XQuartz, as described here: This should be done before installing and configuring X2Go. Download link here:

*IMPORTANT:* If X2Go is installed first, it may not communicate properly with XQuartz. If you encounter this problem, uninstall both X2Go and XQuartz, delete any remaining files associated with X2Go and XQuartz files manually, restart, and begin again, starting with XQuartz.

2. Follow instructions on the same page ( to download and configure X2Go for Mac. Download link here:

3. Try to launch a session, as described in the video.

Known Issues

The default XFCE session settings have a known bug that affects the use of the "p" and "tab" key intermittently- especially (apparently) for Mac X2Go users. Instructions for correcting this issue are found in CLASSE IT's Mac X2Go documentation,

If you use multiple language keyboards, you must switch to the keyboard you want to use in the remote desktop session before launching X2Go.

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-- LouisaSmieska - 04 29 2018

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INTRO_X2Go_Startup.mp4mp4 INTRO_X2Go_Startup.mp4 manage 6 MB 16 Mar 2016 - 00:01 LouisaSmieska  
X2Go_SetupNew.pngpng X2Go_SetupNew.png manage 112 K 23 Mar 2016 - 13:58 LouisaSmieska  
X2Go_Terminate.pngpng X2Go_Terminate.png manage 41 K 23 Mar 2016 - 13:59 LouisaSmieska  
X2Go_newsession.pngpng X2Go_newsession.png manage 68 K 23 Mar 2016 - 13:58 LouisaSmieska  
This topic: CHESS/Maia > WebHome > GeoPIXE > IntroX2GoStartup
Topic revision: 21 Aug 2018, ArthurWoll
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