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Results from CHESS/Maia web retrieved at 20:44 (Local)

GeoPIXE for the CHESS Maia detector GeoPIXE FAQ page Main CHESS Maia web home General GeoPIXE tips and tricks * Dark gray buttons are ON; Light gray buttons a...
GeoPIXE FAQ X2Go and XFCE troubleshooting Q: Why is X2Go not launching a new window when I connect to the CLASSE network? A: Make sure that "Focus on new window...
Intro: GeoPIXE: Loading an existing image and navigating the image display window This video introduces some of functions of the GeoPIXE image display window, inc...
Intro: GeoPIXE: Launching GeoPIXE from an XFCE session The video on this page demonstrates how to launch GeoPIXE from a terminal window, and briefly introduces th...
Windows and Mac specific instructions for installing X2Go. WINDOWS USERS: 1. At this link,, fol...
GeoPIXE and X2Go * Installing X2Go on your computer * Starting up an XFCE session via X2Go for the first time * Checking/setting up your UNIX path ('.bas...
Statistics for CHESS/Maia Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and upload...
Number of topics: 7
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