CHESS staff: How to set up Maia directories by hand for a new user
1. Set up a daq folder for the new user(s) at daq/current/hutch/PI-projectnumber-requestnumber
e.g. /nfs/chess/daq/current/f3/ravines-480-1
2. Set up an aux folder for the new user(s) at aux/cycles/current/hutch/PI-projectnumber-requestnumber.
e.g. /nfs/chess/aux/cycles/current/f3/ravines-480-1
3. Make "analysis" and "setup" directories in this location.
e.g. /nfs/chess/aux/cycles/current/f3/ravines-480-1/analysis
AND /nfs/chess/aux/cycles/current/f3/ravines-480-1/setup
4. Also in this location, add a shortcut to the raw blog files for this run (these do not exist until you run maia_newuser so the link may appear broken- this is ok).
ln -s ../raw/ravines-480-1/blog raw
5. On the spec machine, run maia_newuser and fill in the PI name, project number, and request number as prompted. This sets up the blog.
6. Update "" in ~/maiauser/bin/ to the current station, PI name, project number, and request number. This updates the analysis folder to have the same file structure as the raw directory.
LouisaSmieska - 27 May 2016