
How to make a scripted vido with Screencast-O-Matic

1. Create the script

  • Open software
  • Start a new scripted project by clicking “Scripted” in the upper right
  • Give the project a name by clicking “Enter Recording Name” in the upper left
  • Start typing your script in the numbered lines (“[Enter text for script section]”)
    • Try to limit each section to 1-2 sentences. This will make it easier to record both audio and video. Think about what the visual will be for each section.
    • Don’t forget an intro section (“This video will cover…”)
  • Use the “add section” button to add new scripted lines
  • To insert a section, add a new empty section, then re-number the left-hand box to move the section into position.
  • The project should auto-save itself as you work.

2. Record audio

  • Select a section you’re ready to record
  • Click the red “Rec” button in the lower left. When the section turns green you can begin speaking. Click the blue pause button to stop recording.
  • Listen to what you’ve recorded by selecting a section and clicking the Play triangle in the lower left
  • If you want to remove an audio recording, click the time associated with the section. You will see options to delete the section, or to remove the audio.
  • I recommend recording audio for all sections before moving on to video

3. Record screen capture video

  • When you have audio recorded, you can select a clip, and on the right you will have the option “record video #.”
  • Click this “record video #” and a black-and-white box will pop up on your screen, while ScreenCastOMatic minimizes its main window.
  • If you want to go back to the main window, click Cancel.
  • When you’re ready, anything inside the box will be recorded. You can change its size, or use a standard size (click the gear next to the Rec button). Using a standard size like 720 pixels will make it easier to blend live footage with tutorial videos, should you ever wish to do this.
  • Click record. You will get a countdown, and then you will be live. You can move the mouse, etc., and the video will be recorded. You will hear your audio and see your script in real time.
  • To continuously record from one audio clip to the next, you can use a hotkey (mine is option+N, but I’m not sure if that’s the default) when you want to move on to the next section.
  • It is a good idea to hold the mouse still when you are done demonstrating each section. This makes it easier to edit the sections later.
  • Click the pause button to stop recording when you are done.
  • Click Done to transfer the video back into the main ScreenCastOMatic window.

4. Edit video

  • When you’re done recording audio and video (or you can iterate between these)- go to Edit Video.
  • Tools I use a lot here are Cut (to trim dead time), Speed (to speed up things that are slow in real time), and Overlay (to overlay text or images onto my video).
  • Go back to the script by clicking “Edit Script.”

5. Export video

  • When you’re done with all your recording and editing, click Done.
  • Click Save As Video File
  • To use your script as subtitles, choose Captions > Script.
  • You can also adjust how your cursor is highlighted, the filename and file type, etc. I have been using normal quality MP4 files for the Wiki videos.
  • Click publish. It will take a moment to export your video, but then you’re done!
-- LouisaSmieska - 26 Sep 2016
Topic revision: r1 - 26 Sep 2016, LouisaSmieska
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