VRVS: VRVS.org page | Using VRVS at LEPP | LEPP Computing GroupTelSpan: TelSpan teleconferencing phone numbers:
dial-in: 1-800-791-2345 | Participant codes: most of the time, it's either 80140 or 85553 Conference rooms:
You need an Oracle account to do this. Look at the instructions to figure out how to get one.
Alternatively, you need to know someone who has an Oracle account and is willing to do this
for you. Try Sharon Peterson (wilsec). Avoid trying CLEOAC (cleoac).
More CR phone numbers (fine print top of the page)When you need help right at the beginning of a meeting, calling the meeting chair in their office usually won't work as they will have left. Your best bet will be to call the business office at the general lab number, 607-255-4882, and ask them to page someone to help you.
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-- HannaMahlke - 20 Aug 2006