Log InWhen you obtained your CLASSE computing account, you were provided a userid and you set your own password. You can use them to login on any CLASSE managed computer, including your desktop computer if one was provided. Some lists of CLASSE computers are available athttps://wiki.classe.cornell.edu/Computing/WhichComputer Changing PasswordsYou can change your CLASSE password at any time. Use the Web page https://www.classe.cornell.edu/pwm/CLASSE managed computers: Your initial login MUST take place while connected to a CLASSE network Reocmmended: log OUT immediately after initial login to make sure you can log in when not connected to a CLASSE network. Instructions are available at https://wiki.classe.cornell.edu/Computing/UserAccountsAndPasswords and at https://wiki.classe.cornell.edu/Computing/FirstWindowsLogon |
Reading Email and Scheduling MeetingsAll Laboratory staff and faculty have accounts in Cornell's Exchange service, which is provided by Microsoft's cloud-based Office 365. It processes email associated with your Cornell email address and is used to schedule meetings. Note: Please report Office 365 email problems, including long delays in mail delivery, to the CIT help desk at 255-5500 or itservicedesk@cornell.edu If you don't report it, they can't know there's something wrong.Outlook Web AppOutlook Web App (OWA) is Microsoft's Web-based email reader and meeting scheduler athttp://outlook.cornell.edu/ Login to OWA by providing the userid your-NetID@cornell.edu (the suffix @cornell.edu is required) and the password associated with your Cornell NetID. For more information, see http://www.it.cornell.edu/cms/services/owa15/index.cfm OutlookThe full Outlook application provides somewhat different features from OWA. Outlook is installed as part of Microsoft Office on CLASSE-managed Windows and Macintosh computers. For more information, seehttp://www.it.cornell.edu/services/guides/facstaff_email/choose.cfm Outlook (along with many other Windows applications) is available to Linux (and other) computers by using WinAPP, the CLASSE Windows "Terminal Server". For details, see https://wiki.classe.cornell.edu/Computing/AccessingWinApp Microsoft Office is available to the Cornell community to use on personally owned computers for a nominal fee. See http://www.it.cornell.edu/services/software_licensing/available/ms_office.cfm#ms_hup |
File StorageDon't keep important files on the local computer you sit in front of! It's vital that you use CLASSE's backed-up file services. Seehttps://wiki.classe.cornell.edu/Computing/DataStewardship Your Linux home disk, user disk, scratch disk and project disk space are all on CLASSE file servers and are available using Samba.
Turning Off Computers: Please Don't!Saving energy is great, but please do not turn off your CLASSE managed desktop computer. Doing so prevents software and anti-virus updates which usually happen during off-hours. However, turning off just the display is OK: it saves energy and does not prevent updates.In particular, notebook and laptop computers should be left powered on and connected to the network Monday evenings. If updates cannot be performed then, then the updates will happen as soon as the computer is turned on and connected to the network. This can make the computer almost unusable for a long time, just when you need it the most. |
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)The CLASSE IT group is allowed to provide only a limited amount of support for computers not owned by CLASSE. A brief list of some non-CLASSE support services is available athttps://wiki.classe.cornell.edu/Computing/OutsideSupport |
Services for External UsersExternal users may be issued a CLASSE computer account, which provides access to most CLASSE computer services, such as printing and centralized file storage. However, there are some limitations to the resources that can be accessed by external users. Please contact the CLASSE IT group for assistance if you find that you need additional access. |
Running ProgramsLinuxCLASSE encourages using Scientific Linux because this centralized computing resource is easy to access remotely, is highly available, provides more computing power, and is more supportable. For a list of Available Packages, Recommended Software, more Documentation and other useful information, see Linux Support Many computational resources are provided by CLASSE's Linux Compute Farm. It contains hundreds of CPU cores which can run jobs in batch or interactively, The farm is managed using the Grid Engine queuing system. Seehttps://wiki.classe.cornell.edu/Computing/GridEngine qsubqsub is the Linux command used to schedule batch jobs on the Linux Compute Farm. See https://wiki.classe.cornell.edu/Computing/GridEngine#Submitting_a_job_script qrshqrsh is the Linux command used to initiate an interactive session on the Linux Compute Farm. It's often used to run software like Matlab. See https://wiki.classe.cornell.edu/Computing/GridEngine#Interactive_Jobs WindowsWhile Linux is the preferred operating system at CLASSE, Windows may be required when connecting to hardware, using an app with no Linux version installed (e.g. Inventor, LabVIEW), or running a very graphics-intensive application. A list of the software provided on all CLASSE Windows 10 computers is available athttps://wiki.classe.cornell.edu/Computing/StandardSoftware Quite a few additional products have been licensed and can be provided with little or no additional charge. A few can be easily installed by anyone. See https://wiki.classe.cornell.edu/Computing/SelectedSelfServiceSoftware Please contact the CLASSE IT group for information about additional software products. MacintoshA list of the software provided for CLASSE Macintosh computers is available at Macintosh CLASSE-Standard Software |
CLASSE CAD/Illustration standardsCLASSE has a EngineeringDesignDrafting/Illustration Department to assist in the production of computer aided design and technical illustrations. Autodesk Inventor Professional (3D) and AutoCAD (2D) are the applications used by the EngineeringDesignDrafting/Illustration Department in the design, creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of physical components; drawings produced by Autodesk Inventor Professional or AutoCAD are stored in a Vault database. Adobe Creative Suite is used to do other graphics-related tasks. Drafting/illustration/graphics documents that are important for CLASSE research or education must meet CLASSE standards and must be accessible to appropriate CLASSE staff for future reference/modification. The EngineeringDesignDrafting/Illustration Department and associated infrastructure are set up to effectively attain these goals. For "one-off" projects of limited usefulness, the CLASSE IT group recommends the use of gimp on a Linux computer; gimp is also available on Windows/Mac. For assistance, or more information on CAD, illustration or other graphics needs, see:https://www.classe.cornell.edu/Internal/DesignDraftingServices/WebHome.html or contact Tim O'Connell . |
Technical Documents and Papers for PublicationAlthough people find Microsoft's Word document processing system to be convenient for small projects, it has many bugs, limitations and compatibility problems which make it extremely inconvenient when used for large, collaborative documents or for documents which need to be readable after several years. At least twice, Microsoft has dropped support for documents written in previous Word formats. As a result, editing environments based on LaTeX are much more robust. Detailed comparisons between LaTex and Word are available athttp://www.streamtoolsonline.org/word-v-latex.html and http://openwetware.org/wiki/Word_vs._LaTeX LaTeXLaTeX is suitable for producing large, collaborative documents The LaTeX format is very stable and portable; it produces documents that are readable and editable over time, and is available on all CLASSE Linux, Windows and Macintosh computers. The file format is independent of which version of LaTeX used, and which host operating system it is running on. Information about the use of LaTeX at CLASSE is available at https://wiki.classe.cornell.edu/Computing/LaTeX |
Contact UsIf you have any questions about CLASSE computing, or would like help with a problem, please don't hesitate to contact the CLASSE computer group:
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