Data Cleanup Personal Responsibility * Each individual is the custodian of the data wherever that individual can write whether on computers or file storage ...
CLASSE Data Storage and Management Legacy Deployments Approximately 100TB of direct attached storage on Scientific Linux servers. * All hard drives are SATA...
IT Support for CLASSE The CLASSE IT group has developed an extensive IT infrastructure and a suite of IT services to support the diverse research and administrati...
. Introduction to CLASSE IT * CLASSE IT team and computing environment * General philosophy * User services Who We Are Devin Bougie Deputy IT Direct...
June 09, 2014 Today's topics: Network Filesystems To ensure your data is secure and available, CLASSE maintains several terabytes of centrally maintained, redund...
Setting Permissions Linux Introduction For a general introduction to Linux file permissions, see this link. Viewing Permissions 1. login to any CLASSE Linu...
CLASSE Managed Windows Users This page contains links to information specific to Windows users. General * October2016 Servicing FAQ patching and uptim...