Exchange email move: a survey and reminders; training
From: Selden E Ball Jr
Subject: Exchange email move: a survey and reminders; training
Gentle folk,
Thia message is being sent to everyone listed in the CLASSE email
address database who has not notified me that other arrangements
have been made to migrate their Cornell email.
Email usage survey
By February 25th, please answer some questions about how you currently
use email. The survey is on the Web page
This survey shouldn't take more than about 2-3 minutes at most.
The information is needed so we can prepare for the Exchange
email migration.
Configuring your email readers: a reminder
By March 1st, you need to have completed Part One, Steps 1-4
as described on the Web page
"Preparing for Cornell's Switch to Exchange" at
(Please do not try to configure Outlook to read your mail yet.
Doing so will cause problems.)
If you need help or have any questions about this procedure,
*please* send email to
The LEPP computer group will be glad to arrange time with you to do
"Step 1" (updating settings in your email application)
for your work computer.
If you also check Cornell email on a home computer, you'll need
to do "Step 1" on that computer, too. Otherwise, after the email
migration, you will need to use the new Outlook Web Access, which
will be available at
(That Web page will not work for you until after your mail account has
been moved to Exchange.)
Learning to use Outlook
An overview of training for Outlook is at
That page includes a copy of the training workbook and a
quick introduction to Outlook in PDF format.
To learn how to make the most of Outlook, you can make arrangements
with your supervisor and sign up for any of the introductory
no-fee classes listed at
Advanced no-fee classes are listed at.
Q&A sessions are listed at
Or you can teach yourself, using the information at
and in the "help" menus of Outlook or Apple Mail.
The day your mail has been migrated, we will begin switching everyone's
email application to Outlook (Windows) or Apple Mail (MacOS). We will
schedule a specific time with you to do this. You will have to be
available at that time to type in your email password.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns by sending
email to
You'll be receiving another update about our move to Exchange next week.
If you do not want to receive any further notices, please reply to
this message, letting us know if
1. You will not be in town March 8th, 9th, 10th or 11th.
2. Your mail already has been migrated to Cornell's new Exchange mail server,
3. You are in another department (e.g. CHESS, Astronomy, etc)
and your mail has been or will be migrated along with that of the other
members of that department.
Selden Ball,
writing on behalf of
The LEPP Computer Group.
SeldenBall - 2010-02-18