This page is adapted from a document prepared by Ritchie Patterson and Hanna Mahlke-Krueger 2005-01-10.
To make Publications Office figures searchable using a system similar to the one now used for CBX and CLNS notes. Just as CBX and CLNS notes, there would be a record associated with each figure with identifying information. We envision the following fields:
- Figure Number
- Category
- Title
- Author(s)
- Journal/CLNS/ConferenceReport/hep-ex ("References" is more concise -dsr)
- Year
- Type
These items would be analogous to the "Author" and "Title" information now stored for CBX and CLNS notes.
- Figure number - This would be the same number that is now associated with each figure. We envision retaining the current file names and storage locations.
- Category - for many figures, this would be the name of the PTA that hosted the analysis. A preliminary list of categories appears below. Searches by category would probably be facilitated if there were a pup-up menu showing these choices in the search form.
- CLEO-c D, Ds, D*, Ds* hadronic
- CLEO-c Leptonic and Semileptonic
- CLEO-c Charmonium
- CLEO-c QCD/Tau
- CLEO-III Charm
- CLEO-III two-photon
- CLEO-III tau
- CLEO-III Bottomonium
- CLEO-II B Hadronic
- CLEO-II Rare B
- CLEO-II B to Leptons
- CLEO-II Charm: Mesons and Baryons
- CLEO-II QCD: Resonance and 2-photon
- CLEO Detector
- CSER/CLEO Luminosity
- CESR-c
- Early LEPP (pre-CESR/CLEO)
- ILC accelerator
- ILC detector/physics
- Title - for figures associated with a publication, this would be the title of the publication. For others, it could simply be an informative label, such as "CESR Luminosity"
- Author(s) - The name of the person(s) responsible for the figure. This would always include the name associated with the first three digits of the figure number, but could also include other directly associated with the figure.
- Journal/CLNS/ConferenceReport/hep-ex - Several references might be associated with a single figure. (Do we also want the associated CBX notes?)
- Year - Year in which the figure was prepared, matching the 2 digits of the figure number that precede the hyphen
- Type - Figure/ObsoleteFigure/Photo
Figure Number: 3900205-011
Category: CLEO-c Charmonium
Title: Measurement of the Branching Fractions for J/psi -> 1+1-
Author: Mahlke, Heltsley
Journal: CLNS 05/1910, CLEO 05-5, PRD71:111103(2005), hep-ex/0503027, CBX04-47
Year: 2005
Type: Figure
Figure Number: 3071105-003
Category: CLEO-III Bottomonium
Title: Di-electron Widths of the Upsilon(1S, 2S, 3S) Resonances
Author: Pivarski, Patterson
Journal: CLNS 05/1944, CLEO 05-30, hep-ex/0512056, CBX 05-41
Year: 2005
Type: Figure
DanRiley - 11 Jan 2006