The Main Page is what you should see when you first log in to Hypernews.
If you see this, there is some help available right in Hypernews regarding this particular screen.
This is an example of a forum, generally mailinglist style forums will be placed in the LEPP catagory. Other catagories can be ignored for this use of Hypernews.
This link will return you to this screen from anywhere in Hypernews.
Click this if you want to add a user to the Hypernews system. Only add users who are not already part of the system. UserIDs should match users LEPP Unix Usernames.
This link is used to add users to a specific mailinglist.
Adding a new user
Enter the UserID - remember that UserIDs should match users LEPP Unix Usernames.
Enter the e-mail address on file for sending this user e-mail. You only need to enter one e-mail address. In general, you should only enter one e-mail address.
Enter the Full Name so it is easier to match UserIDs to people.
Click Register to enter the user in the Hypernews system. You only have to do this once for them to be available for any Hypernews mailinglists or forums.
Subscribing/Unsubscribing a user to a mailinglist
Enter the UserID of the user you want to add or remove from a mailing list. Click Query
Look for the list you want to add them to. Check the box next to the list name. If you are removing them from the list, uncheck the box.