

Mathematica is a powerful computational software program based on symbolic mathematics used in many scientific, engineering, mathematical and computing fields.

Mathematica on CLASSE owned computers

CLASSE has a Mathematica license server (lnxlm) on the CLASSE network which allows a number of concurrent users. To see which users have checked out licenses, please type:
/nfs/opt/Wolfram/MathLM/monitorlm lnxlm

Mathematica is available on all CLASSE Linux systems. Wrapper scripts in /usr/local/bin are set to run the 12.0 version, but can be switched to other installed versions, e.g. to launch the 11.1.1 version, type:
mathematica -r 11.1.1
Or, to always use the latest available version, type:
mathematica -r latest
Available Linux versions include (click on version number for Wolfram Documentation):

Mathematica can be run interactively and in batch on the GridEngine Compute Farm.

If you have a Macintosh or Windows personal computer and plan to only run Mathematica while connected to the CLASSE network, send email to service-classe@cornell.edu requesting that a copy of Mathematica be installed on your computer.

You can run Mathematica while off campus by logging in to a CLASSE Linux system and having that system open X windows on your system.

Mathematica Fonts

If you want to run Mathematica after connecting to a CLASSE Linux system using ssh, X2Go or NX, you must install the mathematica fonts on your local system. To start with, download the attached mathematica_fonts.tar.gz.

See also: http://support.wolfram.com/kb/10427

Mac OS X

  • tar -xzvf mathematica_fonts.tar.gz
  • cp mathematica_fonts/* ~/Library/Fonts/
  • mkfontdir ~/Library/Fonts/
  • logout and back in


  • tar -xzvf mathematica_fonts.tar.gz
  • mkdir ~/.fonts
  • cp mathematica_fonts/* ~/.fonts/
  • ttmkfdir -d ~/.fonts/ -o ~/.fonts/fonts.scale
  • mkfontdir ~/.fonts/
  • xset fp+ ~/.fonts/ ; xset fp rehash
  • add the following to ~/.bashrc
    if [ "$PS1" ]; then
      xset fp+ ~/.fonts ; xset fp rehash

Mathematica on personally owned computers ("home use")

If you are faculty or staff at Cornell and have a need to run Mathematica on your personal computer when you are NOT connected to the CLASSE network, you can order a copy Mathematica here:

We do have a very limited number of home use licenses available to faculty or staff at no charge - send email to service to request a home use license. Please note that we may not have enough home use licenses to satisfy all requests. If we have any home use licenses available, a computer group will email you instructions we have saved in the computer group's wiki.

If you are a student at Cornell, you can order a copy of Mathematica here:
or a perpetual license from an academic reseller like The Cornell Store.

The benefit of a perpetual license is that Mathematica will not expire; however, in order to upgrade to a newer version, a new license must be purchased.
The benefits of the annual license vs the perpetual license are:
  • the break-even is nearly 3 years
  • upgrades to the latest version are available anytime during the licensing period.
Topic revision: r30 - 15 Oct 2019, amd275
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