The old mailing lists, DEC-CONSULT-L and DEC-DSN-L have been discontinued for lack of use. They've been replaced by CSLG-L
This mailing list is not cross-posted with any newsgroup.Feel free to discuss whatever concerns you have with the CSLG, or with any DEC/Compaq/HP hardware or software products in use at Cornell.
Of course, before using CSLG-L, you may wish to consult with your local system administrator since the problem you are experiencing may be due to a local configuration. Once you have done so or if you are the local system adminstrator, you can send the question to CSLG-L for further assistance.
To do that, send your problem via e-mail to CSLG-L with a thorough description of the problem, the hardware and the operating system. You should include in the subject line an indication of the urgency (such as "system down - need immediately" or "needed by xx/xx/xx" or "needed within the next week").
High level technical problems may need to be escalated to HP for resolution. This escalation service is only available to members of ESL at Cornell University.
When the problem has been solved, please e-mail a summary of the problem and its solution to CSLG-L so all can benefit.
To subscribe to CSLG-L, send the following command in electronic mail to
SUB CSLG-L firstname lastname
where firstname is your first name and lastname is your last name.
Note that requests for copies of software or license PAKs and questions about the ESL/CSLG program at Cornell also can be sent directly to CSLG-L.
Thank you for your participation.
Send e'mail to Ray Helmke for ESL/CSLG administrative questions.
Send e'mail to
to subscribe to CSLG-LSend e'mail to CSLG-L to discuss CSLG related issues.
See also the Web pages of the TEI: the CSLG & ESL programs at Cornell.