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Results from Computing web retrieved at 20:31 (Local)

CLASSE Management of macOS Computers Increasing adoption of Macintosh computers by CLASSE personnel has led to a need for Mac management software that helps us co...
Thank you for using the PWM Password Management tool at CLASSE. If this is your first time activating your CLASSE account, please continue to the CLASSE Duo Devi...
\%ADDTOZONE{"head" id="MyCSS" text=" #main {width: 100%; /* top: 10px; right: 50%; margin right: 390px; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #a6a69d; */} #main...
. Introduction to CLASSE IT * CLASSE IT team and computing environment * General philosophy * User services Who We Are Devin Bougie Deputy IT Direct...
Linux at CLASSE Please see Linux Introduction for a brief introduction for newcomers to Linux. See CLASSE Linux Overview for a presentation on Linux at CLASSE. I...
LogMeIn Use at CLASSE (This page is in the middle of being updated. Some of LogMeIn's user interface has changed due to Java's new security restrictions.) CLASSE ...
Remotely access and control your Mac 1 Use ScreenConnect 2 Use Screen Sharing 1 Both Macs have to be on the same network; if you are offsite, use Prit...
Mac Support at CLASSE Useful Links * Remote Access to CLASSE Macintosh Computers * Macintosh Standard Software Installs * Printing from macOS * Acces...
CLASSE Network and System Status This page contains information on issues currently under investigation. If you know of or are experiencing any other problems, p...
Old LEPP SupportedHardware and Network Status 2004 2010 _This page contains information on issues that were under investigation in 2004 2010. If you know of or a...
Monday, August 20, 2012 Today's topics: Scheduled network outage: Saturday, August 25 There will be a scheduled network outage of the LEPP and CHESS networks fr...
February 14, 2010. Today's topics: CLASSE Domain server patching There will be some down time on the CLASSE Domain Controllers this Tuesday, Feb 15th starting a...
July 1, 2013 Today's topics: CLASSE Windows Systems will update the Firefox Package at 10PM 7/1/2013. This evening there will be updates applied to Firefox to ES...
Friday, July 27, 2012 Today's topics: Remote access to Windows Computers (LogMeIn) If you have been using LogMeIn to remotely access a Windows or Mac computer v...
September 09, 2013 Today's topics: New instructional videos We have produced two new instructional videos, showing how to perform common tasks on Windows: * I...
NoMachine For instructions specific to CHESS Remote Operations, please see CHESS.RemoteUserGuide. Available NoMachine servers and options for new installations. ...
Configuring Computing/CmpGrp/Obsolete.OpenVPN for Personally owned Computers Download Video OpenVPN Tutorial download and view using VLC (for example) Inline ...
Using Computing/CmpGrp/Obsolete.OpenVPN on a CLASSE managed computer Downloadable Video OpenVPN Tutorial download and view using VLC (for example) Inline Vide...
Remote access to Linux machines Depending on your requirements, there are several options for remotely access CLASSE Linux resources. Function Recommended sol...
ConnectWise Control AKA Screenconnect CLASSE runs a local Screenconnect server to provide next generation remote access in a secure, high performance manner which...
ssh Contents: * Introduction * PuTTY * TTSSH (SSHv1) for Windows * OpenSSH (SSHv2) for Windows * MacSSH (SSH v2) for MacOS * OpenSSH for Unix o...
CLASSE IT 2024 Summer Student Guide Welcome to the CLASSE 2024 REU, SERCCS, SUnRiSE, and PREM programs. This how to guide will get you started with IT resources a...
r53 - 13 Jun 2024 - 14:52 by KearaSoloway
CLASSE Password Requirements CLASSE has the same password requirements as does Cornell's central IT organization. See
USER INFORMATION %TWISTY{mode="div" start="hide" showlink="Show Table of Contents " hidelink="Hide Table of Contents" showimgright="" hideimgright=""}% Platform...
Video Tutorials Several Video Tutorials are designed to work with Firefox on computers managed by CLASSE. If you have difficulties viewing a video in Firefox o...
VNC Most X applications (such as totalview) generate a large amount of X traffic. This can be very slow when tunneled through ssh to machines off of CLASSE's net...
// The time out value in milli seconds (1,000 milli seconds = 1 seconds) setTimeout('document.location=document.location',300000); Remote Access to Virtual Wind...
X2Go CLASSE supports X2Go as a legacy GUI remote access tool. For best results CLASSE IT recommends migrating to NoMachine. The X2Go server is currently available...
Number of topics: 28
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