This page should be deleted or archived since we no longer use Replicon.


How do I get started using the Replicon Timesheet? See answer below or click here for pdf version


Supported Browsers

Replicon at CLASSE works with the following browsers: Firefox v17 or later, IE 9 on Windows, seamonkey on Linux, and Safari on Mac OS X (Safari v3.1.2 or higher, which requires OSX v10.4 or higher).

Getting Started

Step 1. Open a browser and go here:

Offsite User Note: To access the Replicon Timesheet from outside the lab network, you may be prompted to enter your CLASSE userid and password. For more info, click UserAccountsAndPasswords.

Popup Blocker Note: You may need to turn off your popup blocker, or configure it to allow the address through.


Step 2. Log in. You should have received an email with your login name and initial password. If not, please submit a ServiceRequest.

Step 3. Change your password.

  1. Click "Settings" at the top right of the window.
  2. From the Settings screen, choose Change Password from the choices in the left-side menu bar. image002.png
  3. Enter your old and new passwords.

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Q: Are there any restrictions on my choice of password.

A: Only that it's easy for you to remember and hard for somebody else to figure out. Please do not make it the same as your Windows/Unix/VMS password.

Step 4. Go to your timesheet.

  1. Click the "Time" icon at the top left of the window.
    You will see a blank timesheet with no projects listed on it.

Step 5. Add projects, tasks, and time off categories to your timesheet.
  1. Click the Add/Remove tasks button in the lower part of your screen. image006.jpg

  1. This pops up a new window containing a 2-panel dialog box. All the projects and tasks that are available to you will be listed when you select the "dropdown" menu at the top right.
    • Important: Make sure the Client drop-down filter at the top left says < All >
  2. Use the check boxes to select the projects and tasks you expect to use.
  3. Use the >> arrows to add your selected projects and tasks to your timesheet.
  4. Select the "Save" button when you've selected all or some of the projects you'll be working for. image008.png

  1. When you're ready to add categories for sick, vacation, holidays, etc. to your timesheet, choose the Add Time Off button. This is just to get 39 (40) hour week. The actual tracking of vacation and sick time is handled by Kronos or Workday, not by Replicon.
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Step 6. Enter your time.

  1. If you don't already see your timesheet, click the Time icon at the top leftof your screen. image004.png
  2. The projects and tasks you've selected will now be listed on your timesheet. You can quickly remove rows you don't need by clicking the corresponding image013.png
    • (removing a row from your current week won't have any effect on previous weeks' timesheets).
  3. Enter time in quarter-hour increments, please. Nothing smaller.

Step 7. Save your entries.

  1. Whenever you finish entering your time (or adding/removing projects and tasks) during a session, be sure to hit the Save button at the bottom of the page.
  2. If you don't Save before leaving this screen (or closing your browser), any changes you made during this session will be lost.
    • Important: Don't confuse Save with Submit (below). image015.gif

Final Step. Submit your time for the week: Wednesday by the end of the day or Thursday morning.

  1. Click the Submit button at the bottom of your screen.
    • Important: Please don't submit your time until you've entered all your hours for the week.
    • If you've made a mistake and have Submitted your Replicon timesheet, tell your your supervisor immediately. Your supervisor can reject it.
    • If you've made a mistake and your supervisor has already approved your Replicon timesheet, your supervisor will have to contact Bill Franklin. Bill might be able to get your Replicon timesheet released, if it hasn't already been entered into the university accounting system.

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Q: If I know I'm going to be out at the end of the week, can I enter and submit my hours in advance?

A: Why, yes you can! Good idea -- if you know you will be, say, on vacation for the rest of a week, please submit your hours before you go.

Q: Why aren't I able to generate reports?

A: Unfortunately (due to a bug in the Replicon software) not all of Replicon works using a proxy (which provides access from off-site). For much more than entering and approving time, you'll need to use a direct link to Replicon

Announcement of June 16, 2016 change to Replicon timesheets

On Thursday, June 16, 2016, we will be modifying the Replicon timesheets for exempt employees to correspond to the University's pay periods. This is a long overdue change which will allow the laboratory to more efficiently provide time record management to our PIs and sponsors.

The following changes will take effect for Replicon timesheets for EXEMPT employees; NON-EXEMPT timesheets will NOT be modified.
  • Weekly timesheets will become semi-monthly. Every exempt employee will submit two timesheets every month, one by the 15th and one by the last day of the month.
  • Each timesheet will span approximately 2 weeks. By default, the timesheets will be displayed one week at a time. To see the whole timesheet, click on "Expand" right under the timesheet dates.

  • Email reminders will be sent on the timesheet due dates, i.e. only twice per month, not weekly.
  • If you wish to enter your time on a weekly basis, just click "Save" instead of "Submit", when it's in the middle of a timesheet.

  • Although the number of days per timesheet will vary from month to month, every exempt employee should continue to record 8 hours per workday.

In order to make the above changes, we will need to disable Replicon for one day. Therefore, Replicon will be UNAVAILABLE from Wednesday, June 15 at noon until Thursday, June 16 at noon. Please submit your June 9-15 timesheets by noon on Wednesday, June 15, and please DO NOT add any time beyond the June 9-15 timesheet.

After the transition, Replicon timesheets should have the following standard structure:
  • Exempt: two timesheets per month (1-15, 16-last day), due on the 15th and the last day of the month.
  • Non-exempt: weekly timesheets from Thursday to the following Wednesday, due every Wednesday.

In our testing, we have found that if you have already accessed your timesheets for June 16 or later, you might see a non-standard timesheet after the transition. This is true for both exempt and non-exempt employees. Please submit a ServiceRequest to have these non-standard timesheets deleted and regenerated.

We have tried to plan this transition to be as painless as possible, but given the subtleties of the Replicon software, we anticipate that some employees will encounter unforeseen problems. We appreciate your patience as we make these changes that will enable a major improvement to CLASSE's business and accounting workflow.

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Topic revision: 26 Feb 2025, MichaelRyan
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