
SFTP / SCP file access

Instead of using samba to access CLASSE filesystems, you may use any method that works with the SFTP/SCP protocols. Some popular options are given below.


  • WinSCP is our recommended SFTP/SCP software for Windows:
    • CLASSE-managed Windows computers: Look in the Start Menu
    • Personal Windows computers: Download the latest version from http://winscp.net/eng/index.php
    • See below for usage instructions.
  • Users with personal computers may also use Globus (GridFTP).


  • Fetch is a graphical interface for SFTP/SCP on macOS:
  • Or you can type SFTP/SCP commands in a Terminal window:
  • Users with personal computers may also use Globus (GridFTP).


Usage Instructions

1. Connecting to LNX201

Startup dialog screenshots:
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  1. Enter lnx201.classe.cornell.edu as the host if off site, otherwise lnx201 will work.
  2. Make sure to enter your CLASSE username and password.
    (Fetch) Make sure SFTP in the Connect using: pulldown menu is selected.
  3. Click on Login (WinSCP) -or- OK (Fetch).
  4. You may have to click "Yes" to add the host to your application key store.
  5. If there's a login message, you will need to click OK after reading it.

2. Accessing a directory

[Windows] WinSCP:
  1. Click on the folder icon
    2014-11-10 13-40-36.png
  2. Type in the Linux file path you want to access, for example, /nfs/chess/raw. If you know your samba path, use this link to look up the corresponding Linux path.
    2014-11-10 13-42-00.png
  3. Browse to your files in the remote drive (right-hand) tree.
  4. Browse to where you want to put your files in the local (left-hand) tree.
    <2014-11-10 13-46-42.png
  5. Drag the folder or files you want from the right to the left tree, dropping the file icons where you want the files to go.
    You can edit the local path in the dialog that shows up, or just press copy to start the transfer.
    <2014-11-10 13-49-14.png

[macOS] Fetch:
  1. Type in the Linux file path you want to access, for example, /nfs/chess/raw. If you know your samba path, use this link to look up the corresponding Linux path.
  2. Browse to your files in the remote drive
  3. You can drag/drop files to/from, or click the Get button to download or the Put button to upolad
  4. Tips and tricks
    1. Help Using Fetch
    2. Time saving tips
    3. Mirroring a local folder to a remote folder
Topic revision: r8 - 27 Apr 2021, MichaelRoman
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