DECUS Anaheim '96 Summary
DECUS Anaheim '96 Summary
Linda thought she sent this to the list, but I did not see it immediately. It
may be a repeat. Includes the note that AltaVista software that was in the CSLG
prior to 1 Oct, will be returned to CSLG (newer packages such as Search wil be
discounted...frankly I am counting on a minimum of 80% discount!)
See below.
Margaret H. Knox email:
Associate Director fax: (512)475-9282
Academic Computing & IT Services phone: (512)475-9300/9224
The University of Texas at Austin zip: 78712
DECUS Anaheim
The notes below represent a summary of the general education session at
DECUS and our BOF at DECUS in Anaheim last month.
The general session agenda follows:
General Overview and status of the education/research business
The Sales Model for Education
Software -- mainly the disposition of the AltaVista products and
CA products
There were numerous queries/comments about how the account
management model is working. With your information, together with
that of customers we have met at other conferences and
individually, we are reviewing the whole issue. I can tell you
that for ORDERING (not account management at this point), you can
call 1-800-DIGITAL. I have been up to the new call center and
have been extremely impressed with the operation). The software
discussion continued at the BOF.
CA announced that they would continue participation in CSLG with their
OpenVMS and UNIX Polycenter Products.
A meeting between Jesse Lipcon and Ilene Lang was the catalyst for
AltaVista Internet Software Business to reevaluate their education
offering. The products that have been on CSLG will continue to be there.
New products will be offered at a significant educational discount on a
line item basis.
As a result of the executive meeting Linda also took the action item
to work with Latin America and ensure that our programs are
available and promoted there. She has already begun that process
and will be working initially with Brasil, Venezuela and Mexico.
I took the action item to work with the Asia/Pacific region. We will
will report progress at the end of December.
Both CSLG and DECcampus are complex programs, but they are felt
to be crucial to their respective customers. We agreed to do work
on the content of the programs and keep them alive and well for
the time being. We will also be developing the structure of a new
software program that will be offered as an alternative to
CSLG/DECcampus. Our immediate actions are the following:
Begin with 5 royalty based products to develop a process.
These will include DCE and Teamlinks
Review the royalty contracts. If there are no royalties for
educational customers, the product will automatically continue in
CSLG/DECcampus. If there are royalties for educational customers,
we will attempt a renegotiation. In the event that a royalty must
be paid for educational customers, we will have to evaluate a cost
and pass it on to you, the customer.
We are also aware of the need for early warning on change of
ownership status of software products. I am working to find a
more certain process to ensure that your needs are taken into
account at the initiation of negotiations, and that we, the
Digital folk, can be working behind the scenes to make smooth
transitions for you.
A few other issues on which we took action items, but which do not
currently have specific dates for clarification/closure:
Reevaluation of ESL
Perpetual CSLG contract
Per call fee structure for DSN link
A more robust NT software offering for education
I have promised a status update on December 31. Please take a look at
our Web site -- This is a beta
version. I expect to update it at the beginning of the New Year.
Jean Bonney
Director, Education/Research Business
Digital Equipment Corporation