TEI Education Pricing Program and TEI Overview -- July 10, 1995
TEI Education Pricing Program and TEI Overview -- July 10, 1995
The Education Initiative (TEI) Programs including the CSLG, ESL,
and Education Pricing Program remain in effect for the 1996
academic year.
The attached TEI Overview document summarizes the TEI Programs
including new discount categories for the Education Pricing
Program. All system hardware and system software products now
receive a 15% discount while client software products receive a
50% discount. Client software includes the Pathworks,
ManageWorks, TeamLinks, and ObjectBroker product families.
Education Pricing Program discounts are available from DECDirect,
Digital's Electronic Store, and Digital-Authorized Resellers.
If you have questions concerning TEI Programs, please contact me
at the address below.
Best Regards,
Michael Peterson
Digital Education Marketing
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Date: Thu, 02 Mar 95 13:34:19 -0500
Subject: TEI Overview (July 10, 1995)
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July 10, 1995
o o Campuswide Software License Grant Program - CSLG
Partnership program that annually grants the license and rights to new
versions to over 1000 software products. Pricing is based on an annual
membership fee ($2,500 to $50,000) and portfolio fees ($500). The
institution agrees to manage, track and distribute the software licenses.
o o Education Software Library - ESL
A centralized software support partnership program providing technical
phone support and access to Digital's Software Information Network (DSIN)
for the 1000 products in the CSLG Portfolios that are supported by Digital.
The institution provides the first level of support to users and agrees to
manage, track and distribute the software. Pricing is based on an annual
membership fee ($13,920 - $30,324).
o o TEI Education Pricing Program
The TEI Education Pricing Program offers special discounts on most Digital
products as follows:
Product Category TEI Discount
Digital PCs & Peripherals 5%
Alpha-based PCs 10%
Workstation & Server Products 15%
System Software 15%
VT/VXT Terminals & Multia Desktop 10%
Components, Peripherals, & Storage Hardware 10%
Client Software 50%
Network Products & Software 10%
Educational Services 10%
Non-discountable Products/Software 0%
In order to qualify for Digital Equipment Corporation's "The Educational
Initiative" (TEI) programs when purchasing equipment and services or accepting
a discount, the following conditions must be met:
The education institution shall qualify for the Education Initiative Program if
the institution is non-profit and lawfully operating exclusively for
educational purposes as an accredited college or university; a degree- or
certification-granting vocational, technical or trade school; a state or local
school system; or an independent primary or secondary school. The institution
includes only those majority-owned non-profit subsidiaries that provide
education and/or research. Majority owned is defined as greater than 50%
ownership by the educational institution.
Federal Government Labs, M+O or subsidiaries acting in the capacity of a
Federal Government Lab or contractors do not qualify to participate in the
Education Initiative Program.
With regard to health care entities, only teaching hospitals, that are
majority-owned by an eligible educational institution, qualify under TEI.
Any/all other affiliated hospitals and/or other health care entities do not
qualify for TEI pricing. Note that profit oriented entities, Health
Maintenance Organizations (HMO's), physician practice organizations (including
UPI's), etc. are not eligible for TEI.
Only qualified education institutions in the United States may participate in
the Education Initiative Program described in these guidelines. For
information on programs, qualifications and practices outside the United
States, contact your Regional Education Industry Market Manager.
Education Initiative Program Rules
Equipment purchased under the Program must remain with the qualified
educational institution or its majority owned subsidiary for its own use for a
period of not less than eighteen months. Equipment may not be acquired under
the Education Initiative Program by an educational institution or its majority
owned subsidiary and "passed through", resold or distributed to a third party
prior to the end of the eighteen month period.
The qualified education institution or its majority owned subsidiary may lease
equipment for its own use.
Licensed software or services provided under the Education Initiative Program
may only be used on equipment acquired by the qualified educational
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