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Results from Computing web retrieved at 13:15 (Local)

A Guide to CLASSE Computing Services #LogIn Log In When you obtained your CLASSE computing account, you were provided a userid and you set your own passwor...
r89 - 14 May 2024 - 15:19 by MarlinGuest
\%ADDTOZONE{"head" id="MyCSS" text=" #main {width: 100%; /* top: 10px; right: 50%; margin right: 390px; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #a6a69d; */} #main...
Why Linux? * It's free AND open source * many programmers are developing Linux * and they've been doing it for a long time Linux has roots as far...
Computer Disaster Recovery The CESR Disaster Scenario Review does not include any computer related disasters other than sprinkler water damage. Network problems...
Data Stewardship Important files must be stored on reliable file servers CLASSE maintains more than a dozen multi terabyte RAID file servers. They'll reliably st...
Guidelines for Usage of Disk Space (This is CSN 92/320, revised 22 Oct 1998) This is a routine update of the disk space usage guidelines for LNS computers. Type...
r2 - 23 May 2006 - 10:13 by ChristopherTerranova
Your first logon to Windows at CLASSE CLASSE managed Windows computers run Windows 10 Enterprise. The instructions below apply to both. The first time you login o...
Linux Home Disk Please see DataStewardship for general storage recommendations at CLASSE. How to Access Operating System Path to User Disk Linux /home...
Linux at CLASSE Please see Linux Introduction for a brief introduction for newcomers to Linux. See CLASSE Linux Overview for a presentation on Linux at CLASSE. I...
Accessing Central Filesystems from CLASSE Linux Boxes CLASSE provides several network accessible fileystems to our linux and unix systems using NFS. For a compre...
Accessing Central Filesystems from Unmanaged Linux Boxes For example, laptops or home computers connected to our Computing/CmpGrp/Obsolete.OpenVPN server. CLASSE ...
Old LEPP SupportedHardware and Network Status 2004 2010 _This page contains information on issues that were under investigation in 2004 2010. If you know of or a...
Old LEPP Network Status Notices 2011 2013 This page contains information on issues that were under investigation in 2011 2013. If you know of or are experiencing...
New UNIX Home Disk Gentle /home disk user. Almost a year ago, the server for our /home disk failed. As an emergency measure, we rushed lnx156 into service. The ...
LEPP Windows User Disk (Windows Z Drive) New Z Drive (moving from \\PC50\Users to \\samba\user) We are migrating off of old NT4 infrastructure, such as PC50. To ...
Computing Newsletter January 3, 2011 This is the first of our weekly newsletters to let you know what's happening in computing at LEPP. We will attempt to keep ...
March 17, 2014 Today's topics: Linux Introduction At the recent CESR Software meeting, a Linux Tutorial for VMS Users was giving. While some aspects are specifi...
October 15th, 2012 Today's topics: Cornell Migration to Office 365 limits e mail attachments to 25MB During the spring semester, Cornell is planning to transfer ...
Group and Project Files The majority of your files should be stored on dedicated group and project filesystems, not on the Computing.HomeDisk or Computing.UserDis...
CLASSE IT 2024 Summer Student Guide Welcome to the CLASSE 2024 REU, SERCCS, SUnRiSE, and PREM programs. This how to guide will get you started with IT resources a...
r53 - 13 Jun 2024 - 14:52 by KearaSoloway
USER INFORMATION %TWISTY{mode="div" start="hide" showlink="Show Table of Contents " hidelink="Hide Table of Contents" showimgright="" hideimgright=""}% Platform...
CLASSE IT User Guide %TWISTY{ showlink="Table of Contents" hidelink="Hide" class="foswikiHelp" showimgright="" hideimgright="" }% Getting...
Number of topics: 22
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