Recommended settings for Voice Dictation
Using Voice Dictation for entering text can be very handy, unless you're not aware that it has been turned on.
To prevent "ghost typing", do the following:
- Open "System Preferences" (second item down in the menu in the upper left of your screen)
- Open the "Keyboard" prefpane
- Select the "Dictation" tab

- Select "Customize" to set the hotkey combination to something that you won't type by accident
(my personal favorite: ⌃⌥⌘⎋, or <control><option><command><esc> )
Why is this an issue?
In the picture of an Apple extended keyboard with keypad, note that the "fn" key is right next to the "delete" key

The "delete" key is one of the most frequently used keys, so one can too easily hit the "fn" key by accident twice and activate voice dictation without being aware of it