"CLASSE GRID" is a program provided on CLASSE desktops which simplifies running selected Linux programs on the CLASSE Grid farm from ALL supported OSs at CLASSE. If you need a program that is not in the list known to CLASSE GRID 2.0, please submit a ServiceRequest for it to be added. Alternatively, you can type in a command or the full path of the Linux program that you wish to run.

CLASSE Managed Windows

CLASSE GRID is a pre-configured session in X2Go on CLASSE Windows desktops
  1. Run the X2Go client on your desktop.
  2. Select the pre-configured CLASSE GRID session on the right hand session list.

CLASSE Managed Linux

  1. Open a terminal, and type python /nfs/opt/CLASSE_GRID/

If you want a desktop shortcut:
  1. rightclick on the following URL and select "save as:"
  2. double-click on the download to run. If prompted, mark the download as executable.

Non CLASSE Managed Windows, Linux, or MacOS Computers


This should work for all OSs:
  1. Download and install the latest X2Go Client from their site:
  2. Create a "New Session" by clicking on the new session button.
    Selection 066.png
  3. This opens up the session creation wizard:
    Selection 067.png
  4. In "Session Name" enter CLASSE_GRID or a name of your choice.
  5. Then, in "Host" enter
  6. Then, under "Session Type" click on the drop down menu, scroll down and select "Single Application".
  7. Next to that, by the "Command" enter: python /nfs/opt/CLASSE_GRID/
  8. Click OK to save the session.


  1. Click on the session you created.
    Selection 068.png
  2. Log in with your CLASSE credentials.

Notes on program quirks

All Programs

  1. The X2Go client might not fully exit when you close your program. Please click the Terminate button to close the session, and then exit the program.
  2. Close the program using the X.


  • You will see 2 Terminal windows open. Do not close them, use the one that has the prompt for you to use.
  1. Select Terminal. Then click "Run"
    2014-10-10 09-45-11.png
  2. Enter your CLASSE password and press enter or click OK.
    2014-10-10 09-45-39.png
  3. Wait about 30 to 60 seconds. You will then see this. As shown above, please leave both windows open, type commands in the one on top.
    2014-10-10 09-46-20.png
  4. If you want to run several programs, please use the background command as shown, appending '&' to the end of your program / command. You may need to press enter to get a command prompt back if the GUI program outputs status messages to the terminal.
    2014-10-10 09-47-26.png
  5. When done, type exit at the terminal window and press enter.
  6. Then click on the "Power Button" and say "Yes" to terminating your session. Then close the window by clicking on the X.
    2014-10-10 09-49-11.png
  7. You can now launch a new program via the CLASSE GRID GUI or exit it by clicking on the X.

Technical Background Details

"CLASSE GRID" uses your CLASSE computer account and qrsh on LNX201 to submit an interactive job to the CLASSE Linux compute farm, which uses Open Grid Engine for job control. if you login interactively on a Linux computer, you can submit your own Linux programs and scripts using the Linux commands qsub and qrsh. For more information about this process, see

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
2014-10-10_09-45-11.pngpng 2014-10-10_09-45-11.png manage 12 K 10 Oct 2014 - 09:58 JamesPulver  
2014-10-10_09-45-39.pngpng 2014-10-10_09-45-39.png manage 93 K 10 Oct 2014 - 09:59 JamesPulver  
2014-10-10_09-46-20.pngpng 2014-10-10_09-46-20.png manage 17 K 10 Oct 2014 - 09:59 JamesPulver  
2014-10-10_09-47-26.pngpng 2014-10-10_09-47-26.png manage 25 K 10 Oct 2014 - 09:59 JamesPulver  
2014-10-10_09-49-11.pngpng 2014-10-10_09-49-11.png manage 116 K 10 Oct 2014 - 09:59 JamesPulver  
Selection_066.pngpng Selection_066.png manage 3 K 03 Nov 2017 - 14:34 JamesPulver  
Selection_067.pngpng Selection_067.png manage 46 K 03 Nov 2017 - 14:34 JamesPulver  
Selection_068.pngpng Selection_068.png manage 36 K 03 Nov 2017 - 14:34 JamesPulver  
X2GoClientClose.pngpng X2GoClientClose.png manage 89 K 29 Jul 2014 - 15:25 SeldenBallJr  
X2GoTerminateICON.pngpng X2GoTerminateICON.png manage 40 K 29 Jul 2014 - 15:28 SeldenBallJr  
This topic: Computing > WebHome > LinuxSupport > X2Go > WindowsRemoteLinuxScript
Topic revision: 09 Dec 2019, DevinBougie
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