How To Force Check-Out A File Without Pulling Data From The Vault
These are the steps to to force check-out a file without pulling data from the Vault. This is used to restore previous versions or to check in newer local data. (This procedure should only be used in extreme cases!!)
If you have a local file that is newer than the file that is in the Vault, it will look like this in the Vault:
Or like this in Inventor if the Vault tab is active:
To replace the Vault file with the local file, find the file in Vault, right click and select "Get", when the "Get" window pops up, deselect any children and parents (All boxes should be unchecked and "No Parents" should be selected):
Next, select checkout. (The Box around the checkout symbol will turn blue when it's selected.) If everything has been done correctly to this point, the window will show one file to be downloaded, and 1 file to be checked out.
Since we don't want to download the vaulted file, we need to change "Working Folder" to "None". Click on the pull down menu where it says "Working Folder". As you move your mouse down, the options may disappear. Don't worry about that. As long as you continue to slowly move your mouse down, they will come back. Select the "None" option. If your window looks like this, you can then select "OK"
You can now open the file in Inventor, and check it in as usual. The file MUST be opened through Inventor, and the local copy has to be selected. DO NOT double click the Vault file, or this will overwrite your local copy with older information.
If you have any questions, or problems, feel free to call or e-mail Scott Hartman at 255-3659 or