Design Ideas
This page is a 'white board' for design ideas for the Analysis Environment
Execution Engine
The work is done by 'pulling' data from 'Leaf nodes' (i.e. modules whose output does not go to other modules). The pull model allows us to cache the results from an invocation of a module so that next time the module is called we can access the cache. [NOTE: could do this dynamically by watching how long it takes for a module to do its job and if it is above some threshold we try to cache its values?]
I now think this is a bad idea, see execution model
- take as inputs 'callbacks' to other nodes
- provide as outputs 'callbacks' which can be used to request data
- are configuration options also inputs so they can be manipulated?
when called, the callbacks can
- return data
- return a signal
- throw an exception when a problem occurs
signals include reached end (or begin?) of a section ( e.g. container, event, run, query)
callbacks wait for the appropriate signal before making their reply to the requester (they also propagate that signal to the requester as well)
- E.g. a module who finds the track with the largest momentum in a container would wait until the 'end of container' signal before sending its value
- E.g. a module who finds the track with the largest momentum in a run would wait until the 'end of the run' signal before sending its value
(NOTE: the same module could instead always send the 'largest one seen so far' and just reset itself on the signal, then it would be up to the module asking for the data to decide when to do its operation)
How do we deal with some modules wanting to see an entire container (say to loop repeatedly) and ones that just want to see one object at a time (e.g. one that returns the transverse momentum from the track it is handed)? If the module registers 'type' of input/outputs then could automatically create adapters
Execution Model
- Initialize
- mark all nodes as 'off'
- starting from the nodes which were changed since last running
- mark that node as 'on'
- go to all nodes which depend on this one and mark them as 'on' (do this recursively)
- starting from the nodes which were changed since last running
- head up the node chain turning 'on' nodes above recursively until you reach a 'source' (NOTE: cached data for a module would be considered a source)
- add to list of sources
- Run
- starting from the source, send the appropriate signal/data, calling the 'on' modules connected to that module do this recursively
--NOTE: if multiple sources are involved, do they have to be synchronized? Only if they share common downstream nodes [e.g. cache of Px and Py both feeding into a combiner which is sent to a 2D scatter plotter to plot the correlation between the two]
- example execution graph:

Here we have an execution graph which makes 4 plots:
- the x momentum of all selected tracks
- the y momentum of all selected tracks
- the largest y momentum for any selected track in an event
- a scatter plot showing the correlation between the x and y components of momentum for all selected tracks
So three of the graphs get entries for each
selected track while one graph gets only one entry every event.
Scenario 1: Starting Fresh
If this is the first time, then all modules will have been turned on. Then the following runtime occurs
- The system sends a Begin Query signal to all the nodes
- The
node is the only source and it generates an Event and passes it to Get Tracks
- Since
Get Tracks
works at a finer grain then Event it passes a Begin Event signal to all of its descendents
- The
Select Largest
cares about Begin Event and resets its internally held largest value
Get Tracks
extracts the Tracking information from the Event and then starts streaming each individual track to the descendent nodes
Select Tracks
looks at each track sent to it and if the track passes some selection (say minimal chi square) that track is passed down, else it waits for the next message from Get Tracks
Get Px
and Get Py
only see the selected tracks and each of these modules sends to its descendents either the Px or the Py value
Select Largest
takes the Py value and compares it with its present value, if larger it keeps the new value but does not yet send it to its descendents
Scatter Plot
holds the Py value and waits for the Px value before storing its information for the plot
Get Tracks
finishes sending all the tracks and then sends an End Event signal to all of its descendents
- The
Select Largest
sees the End Event signal and then sends its presently held value to its descendents
- Once all the events have been processed, the system sends a End Query to all the nodes
Scenario 2: Changing Px histogram
Say you did not like the binning done in the Px histogram and therefore change it
- For the initialization, the Px histogram will be turned on as well as the
Get Px
. Lets assume the output of Get Px
was cached by the system, if so then we only have those two modules turned on
- For running, the system sends a Begin Query signal to the two nodes
- Since
Get Px
is now a source, it sends the Begin Event signal (which is ignored)
Get Px
then begins streaming its Px value to the histogram
- Once done will all the values for that event,
Get Px
sends an End Event signal
- Once all values are completed, the system sends the End Query signal
Scenario 3: Changing Scatter Plot
Say you did not like the min and max axes values for the Scatter Plot and therefore change it
- For the initialization, the
Scatter Plot
will be turned on as well as the Get Px
and Get Py
. Lets assume the output of Get Px
and Get Py
was cached by the system, if so then we only have those three modules turned on
- For running, the system sends a Begin Query signal to the two nodes
- Since
Get Px
and Get Py
are now a sources, they sends the Begin Event signal which the system makes sure are the same for each [i.e. the system synchronizes both sources]
Get Px
then begins streaming its Px value in synch with Get Py
streaming its Py value
- Once done will all the values for that event,
Get Px
and Get Py
send an End Event signal (only one signal is sent, not two)
- Once all values are completed, the system sends the End Query signal
Bread crumbs and Context
As we get more and more specific information, the system keeps track of exactly where the data came from. So for the above example, the system knows the 'Py' information came from Track
x which came from Event
y. Essentially it leaves 'bread crumbs' for exactly where that piece of information came from. These 'bread crumbs' can be used later to correlate data.
This can also let us get access to related data further down the processing train. For example, say we have a track and we want to know which (if any) electromagnetic shower it possibly generated. Since we have both the Track and the Event, we can get from the Event the Association object which given a Track will give back an Electromagnetic shower to which it is matched. Essentially we need to carry around the full
Context of the data (e.g. the Event from which the Track came) in order to fully understand the data and its relationships.
I now think the Context is a bad idea. The Context would adversely effect a caching system. This is because we would not know what data an active module actually used and therefore we'd have to store the Context and regenerate it for each query. In addition, the Context is really for the case where we do not know what a module may want so we hand it a 'bag of goo' from which it can get anything. In this system we want to track exactly what is used so we can properly provenance track.
comparing breadcrumbs
How can you tell if two breadcrumbs are 'synchronized' (that is they are both up to date with respect to the present processing)? Breadcrumbs contain two parts
- trail: this is a list with one entry per 'depth' of the breadcrumb [a new depth occurs each time you enter a new container]. An entry is a list of all data accesses that were done at that depth
- indicies : this is a list with one entry per 'depth'. The entry is the key into the container that describes which element of the container you are presently streaming. The key is usually just an integer. In addition, for each entry we also have a flag saying whether this entry is presently valid. This validity flag is used to help synchronize multiple sources in a workflow.
If one of the breadcrumb's trail is a complete subset of the other breadcrumb's trail then if the indicies for that subset of the two breadcrumbs are identical, then the breadcrumbs are synchronized.
If one breadcrumb is not a complete subset of the other one, then we must check to see if all the indicies are valid for both of the breadcrumbs. If all indicies are valid then we are synchronized. For example, say we have a source that delivers aligned geometry and another one that delivers hits from an event. The breadcrumbs for the alignment change have different indicies than for the event. However, since the alignment source will be synchronized with the event source by the framework we know that if the breadcrumb's indicies are 'valid' then the alignment source has been synchronized.
Signal Hierarchy
Signals are used to show a change of Context. The signal will contain
- the data object which was changed
- whether this is a 'begin' 'end' or 'instantaneous' signal
- how far up the present 'stack' this signal was produced
Signals generated by a generator module
A generator module takes an input and produces a stream of output based on that one input. When a generator module sees its input, it transforms that input signal into a 'begin' signal and increments the 'stack' value and then sends that signal to all of its children modules. It then sends its output as an 'instantaneous' signal with the stack depth set to 0.
Use of Signals by streaming modules
A module which takes an input and can produce an output strictly based on that one input is a streaming module. How does the streaming module know which signal it should react to? It only needs to react to the signal which is labeled as 'instantaneous'.
Use of Signals by an accumulating module
A module which waits to see multiple inputs before producing an output is an accumulating module. The accumulating module reads the incoming 'instantaneous' signal and uses it for its accumulation. When an 'end' signal with the appropriate stack depth arrives, the module will send a new instantaneous signal containing its result and with a stack depth of 0. Other 'begin' and 'end' signals received by the accumulating module will be sent to the children but with their stack depths decremented.
Revised #3
Sources are the starting point of the execution of a query. Multiple sources are allowed in a graph but they must agree on how to synchronize. In the case of multiple sources, one of the sources is the
active one (i.e. it decides all the transitions which should happen) while all the others are either
passive or
dependent. A
dependent source's breadcrumbs are a proper subset of the
active source's breadcrumbs while the
passive source's breadcrumbs are not. The synchronization occurs by having the
active source invalidate the indicies for its old breadcrumbs, create a new breadcrumb and send its signal which the execution engine then passes the signal's breadcrumbs to all the
passive sources [NOTE: could this be done by just having the
passive sources take as input the
active source's signal?]. The
passive sources then use the
active source's breadcrumbs to decide if their data must be updated, if it does not then they do nothing, but if it does then they must invalidate the proper indicies of their breadcrumbs. Then all the
passive sources are told to send their signals then the
active source's signal will be propagated to the proper modules. Running the 'independent'
passive sources before the
active one and then running the 'dependent'
passive sources should minimize any stalling of the processing pipe (stalling can happen when one module needs inputs from multiple sources).
Dependent sources must be in the execution graph in their proper place so that they get the appropriate signal (i.e. the signal with the depth one less than they send). Only this way can two
dependent source's who share the a proper subset of each other's breadcrumbs will be properly synchronized during the execution.
ChrisDJones - 24 Aug 2006