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CLASSE Wiki's HEP/SWIG web The web for users, groups and offices. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World. en-us Copyright 2025 by contributing authors CLASSE Wiki Administrator [] The contributing authors of CLASSE Wiki CLASSE Wiki CLASSE.HEP/SWIG WebPreferences HEP/SWIG Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the HEP/SWIG web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can be o... (last changed by DevinBougie) 2021-11-26T10:07:15-05:00 dab66 WebLeftBar * HEP/SWIG Web Home * Changes * Changes detailed * Topic list * Search * LEPP HEP SWIG * General * Welcome * Register * Logon ... (last changed by DanielRiley) 2017-09-07T10:05:36-04:00 dr13 WebNotify This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this HEP/SWIG web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to... (last changed by admin-dab66) 2013-06-18T15:27:50-04:00 admin-dab66 CompletedTasks Group Todo List completed tasks List in reverse chronological order (i.e., add new entries at the top of the list) OSG Cluster * correct SE info in BDII? *... (last changed by DanRiley) 2011-05-05T12:27:59-04:00 DanRiley GroupTodoList Group Todo List Completed tasks page CMSSW and FWLite Software Infrastructure * Improve FWLite/CINT exception handling * Access to high level data quality... (last changed by DanRiley) 2011-05-05T12:27:49-04:00 DanRiley WebHome Welcome to the LEPP HEP Software Infrastructure Group wiki. Top level topics: * AnalyisEnvironment * EventStore * EventStoreDesign * EventSt... (last changed by DanRiley) 2008-08-21T12:02:07-04:00 DanRiley EnergyFrontierWorkflowCharacteristics Characteristics of Energy Frontier Analysis Workflows The stages of a physics analysis in terms of "big picture" questions, but from a procedural perspective. Ea... (last changed by DanRiley) 2008-02-20T10:54:00-05:00 DanRiley EnergyFrontierAnalysisWorkflow * EnergyFrontierAnalysisOverview * EnergyFrontierViewsOfWorkflow * EnergyFrontierWorkflowCharacteristics Main.DanRiley 21 Sep 2007 (last changed by DanRiley) 2008-02-15T13:15:43-05:00 DanRiley EnergyFrontierViewsOfWorkflow Here are two views of the Energy Frontier workflow. The first is through file parentage, the second a picture of the ecosystem of the physicist. Parentage View I... (last changed by AndrewDolgert) 2007-11-07T10:18:54-05:00 AndrewDolgert EnergyFrontierAnalysisOverview Outline of an Analysis of an Expected Signal (with blinding) Analysis Outline Define the Analysis * Signal: what physics process is being studied (e.g., H ... (last changed by DanRiley) 2007-10-01T15:28:06-04:00 DanRiley EventStore Event Store graph and injection policies This document describes the Event Store injection policies and provides outline of existing Event Store tables. The graph... (last changed by GregorySharp) 2007-07-20T11:31:20-04:00 GregorySharp AEWithVistrails 1. Use cvs checkout from Chris's cvsroot. "cvs checkout src/AnalysisEnvironment". 1. Open vistrails_startup/ and copy the parts that have changed to... (last changed by AndrewDolgert) 2007-03-28T13:29:49-04:00 AndrewDolgert AnalyisEnvironment Analysis Environment Project Main Page * AETaskList * Documentation * AEProposalDocuments * AEExampleWorkflows * AEExampleDataPresentation... (last changed by AndrewDolgert) 2007-03-28T13:21:36-04:00 AndrewDolgert DbsAnalysisUseCases Analysis Dataset APIs * Create From Processed Dataset * Selection of files * Entire Processed Dataset * Existing Analysis Dataset(s) ... (last changed by DanRiley) 2006-12-21T14:52:25-05:00 DanRiley AEDIstributedComputing Analysis Environment Distributed Computing Requirements Support Multiple Distributed Computing Models Distributed systems such as ROOT/PROOF, some MPI and PVM im... (last changed by DanRiley) 2006-12-20T14:57:43-05:00 DanRiley CmsDbs CMS Database Bookkeeping System * Requirements Analysis * Brainstorming whiteboard pics * Web services tools * Object Relational Mapping Tools * Re... (last changed by AndrewDolgert) 2006-12-05T12:50:44-05:00 AndrewDolgert

Topic revision: r2 - 15 Aug 2004, PeterThoeny
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