
RFgun Optimization- Emittance/Bunch Charge

Beamline Setup


Field Map for setup along z direction:


Input Files

Electric Field Map (gdf) :

Buncher Field Map (gdf) :

Solenoid Field Map: Analytical Solenoid

GPT .in file:

Parameters- Optimization 1


cgun objectives.JPG


cgun constraints.JPG


cgun decisions.JPG

Number of Generations


Parameters- Optimization 2


cgun objectives.JPG


cgun constraints.JPG


cgun decisions.JPG

Number of Generations


Running the Optimizer

1) Go to /inopt/examples/ued.cgun. Start the optimization by running the command:


You should see the following output:

nohup: appending output to 'nohup.out'

2) If you want to see the progress of the optimization, run the command:

tail -f var_diag.log

If you want to visualize the results as they happen, run gnuplot. When prompted by the line "gnuplot>", enter the line:

p [0:160] [0:15] "ued.cgun.out.txt" u (-1*$18):19

The reason the last two input parameters of the above line reads 18 and 19 is evident when one ones the ued.cgun.out.txt file. On the top of the file, it says " # variables (17) objectives (2) constraints (3) ".

Therefore, column 18 and 19 are the two competing objectives that we are trying to optimize.This will plot the emittance as a function of bunch charge in [fC] and [nm].


Your plot should look something like the following, depending on whether you are running the 0meV or 150meV optimization:

Output files

0 meV: ued.cgun.out.txt

150 meV: ued.cgun.out_150.txt

Other Results- Effective Emittance Comparison

Injector Optimization Home
Topic revision: r2 - 05 May 2019, el535
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