Superconducting Wiggler Development Collaboration Documentation
This area collects results and discussion relating to RDR and TDR collaboration for the Magnet Systems.
Plans and Assignments for RDR and TDR
Current Status
- The design will be based on the superconducting wigglers in CESR-c. Some modifications, to allow for special requirements for the ILC, will likely be needed.
- Cornell has some studies in progress looking at the effects of modifying aspects of the "physics" design (e.g. narrower or wider poles).
- LBNL is prepared to work on aspects of the vacuum chamber design in the wiggler section.
- Cornell effort for mechanical and vacuum design is severely limited at present, though there are people interested in keeping up with the work.
RDR Plan
- The wiggler design should be essentially the CESR-c design with minimal modifications.
- Specify a vacuum system using the existing CESR-c wiggler apertures as fairly rigid boundaries.
- Optimization of the wiggler and vacuum designs ongoing for the TDR.
TDR Plan
- fully optimized design for ILC
- wiggler physics
- cost
- engineering:
- wiggler and cryostat
- vaccum chamber/cold bore interface
- interface and preserve compatibility with ILC technical system specifications
Discussion Forum
Meeting Schedule & Minutes
This topic: ILC/DampingRings
> ScWigCollab
Topic revision:
11 May 2006, JeremyUrban
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