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Results from Computing web retrieved at 10:24 (Local)

E Mail Migration Cornell's central mail service is now on a Microsoft Exchange Server. To access it, please use Outlook, Outlook Web Access, or Apple Mail, not Th...
r28 - 24 Sep 2015 - 10:21 by admin-dab66
At 10am Friday morning, 4/3, the CLASSE Electronic Document Management System,, will be unavailable for approximately one hour. D...
Home Disk Failure October 13, 2011 This page contains an updated announcement that was sent to all LEPP users. If you use a desktop Linux computer and cannot ac...
FAQ: When I try to ssh into xxx system, the following message appears. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENT...
Enabling and Disabling Network Interfaces This document describes how to switch between a wired and a wireless network. It does not describe how to switch among s...
Old LEPP SupportedHardware and Network Status 2004 2010 _This page contains information on issues that were under investigation in 2004 2010. If you know of or a...
Old LEPP Network Status Notices 2011 2013 This page contains information on issues that were under investigation in 2011 2013. If you know of or are experiencing...
April 25th, 2011 Today's topics: REMINDER: CLASSE focussed tutorial and Q A sessions for Exchange Calendaring The LEPP Computer Group is offering CLASSE focussed...
August 11, 2014 Today's topics: Getting notifications of outages While we strive to notify people of changes to computing in this newsletter, sometimes services ...
r7 - 08 Jun 2017 - 11:32 by admin-dab66
August 29, 2014 Today's topics: Downtime for lnx201, Tuesday September 2 @ 12:01 AM On Tuesday, September 2, at 12:01 AM, the main Linux login node, lnx201, will...
February 3rd, 2014 Today's topics: VPN outage Tuesday at 10AM 11AM We will be migrating the VPN endpoint of the CLASSE VPN from a legacy server to a clustered se...
January 17, 2011 Windows Backups at night: leave your computer on! * Many people are turning Windows machines off at night. When you finish using a Windows ...
June 6, 2011 Today's topics: LEPP Solaris and Linux Compute Farms: Cooling Problems As usually happens in the spring and fall, the air conditioners in the compu...
May 19, 2014 Today's topics: New CLASSE Website Over the next two days, the long awaited CLASSE website will be moved into production. In addition to replacing ...
May 23, 2011 Today's topics: LEPP network outage One of LEPP's core infrastructure switch/routers failed around 6:30 am Sunday morning. Connectivity to most sys...
November 21, 2011 Today's topics: Reporting Network "slowness" When reporting network slowness, please include the following information with your service reques...
October 17, 2011 Today's topics: Windows Office 2010 upgrade: Monday evening Reminder: Please exit from all Windows Office applications before 4:30 PM, Monday, ...
October 22nd, 2012 Today's topics: LEPP Windows Firefox update Tonight As part of our normal updates, we are planning to update Firefox to 10.0.9ESR, Java to v6u...
Newman Power Outage: Saturday, June 27, 2009 Preparations for the Milstein Project construction will cause a loss of power at Newman Lab on Saturday, June 27, 2...
Network, Computer and Power Outages at Wilson Lab: June 19 24, 2006 Power (US2) will be off in the LEPP and CLEO trailers, and air conditioning will be off in Wi...
Network, Computer and Power Outages at Wilson Lab: Monday morning, May 21, 2007 * LEPP networks and computers at Wilson and Newman Labs will be unavailable fro...
LEPP TWiki server upgrade and reorganization On Wednesday May 31, at 16:00 EDT, was be unavailable for two hours. This is required for a se...
Testing a USB device for malware Follow these instructions to test a USB device from any linux workstation. Testing from a CLASSE Linux Workstation 1. Log int...
Statistics for Computing Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads...
Number of topics: 24
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