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50 recent changes in Computing Web retrieved at 09:27 (Local)

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) at CLASSE Personally Owned Devices While the CLASSE IT group is dedicated to helping all CLASSE members with their computer requests...
r2 - 24 May 2024 - 08:30 by MarlinGuest
CLASSE IT Service Requests Every year, CLASSE IT receives around 3000 new requests generated by hundreds of local users housed in three different buildings on cam...
Outside Support Information While the CLASSE IT group is dedicated to helping all CLASSE members with their computer requests, we can provide only limited assista...
A Guide to CLASSE Computing Services #LogIn Log In When you obtained your CLASSE computing account, you were provided a userid and you set your own passwor...
r89 - 14 May 2024 - 15:19 by MarlinGuest
Remote Data Access Method 1 (preferred): Globus Globus ( is our recommended data transfer tool because it is optimized for large data vo...
February 9th, 2015 Today's topics: CLASSE Managed Computers: Flash updates Adobe has had many updates in the last two weeks. Each time there is an update, Mozill...
CLASSE VPN NOTE: The steps for "Enrolling in Duo" and "VPN Setup" only need to be done once. Setup and Configuration You must enroll with CLASSE Duo, even if yo...
CLASSE Duo: Two Factor Authentication In light of the increased threat posed by ransomware and account compromises, CLASSE is adopting the use of Duo two factor a...
AlmaLinux 9 Scientific Linux 7 (SL7) will reach its end of life on June 30, 2024, and will no longer receive updates after that date. CLASSE IT recommends and i...
Departing from CLASSE CLASSE supervisors and project managers should work with their departing team members (employees) to identify all the computers, computer fi...
Linux in general Getting started For a written introduction to Linux, here are some online resources that you might find useful: *
r24 - 19 Mar 2024 - 12:45 by MarlinGuest
ZeroTier Always on Virtual Private Network We will be introducing a new always on VPN service called ZeroTier, which will replace Pritunl on CLASSE managed laptop...
NEW - 14 Feb 2024 - 14:49 by MarlinGuest
Software Development Debugging Tools * See for documentation (maintained by CESR developers) on...
CLASSE Conference Rooms Note: this describes Exchange Calendar only for LEPP and CLASSE. if you are a member of some other Cornell department, you must contact yo...
r14 - 17 Jan 2024 - 13:13 by abn48
CLASSE User Disk All CLASSE computer users are given a folder with a 20GB quota on our User filesystem. This filesystem is backed up regularly. By default, any f...
r13 - 05 Dec 2023 - 10:54 by MarlinGuest
October 1st, 2012 Today's topics: LEPP VPN service (Computing/CmpGrp.OpenVPN / ZeroShell) changing to CLASSE authentication Currently, users of the LEPP VPN serv...
Testing Internet Speed If you are experiencing persistent slowness with your remote connections to CLASSE computers (via ScreenConnect, X2Go, NoMachine, or ssh), ...
NEW - 23 Oct 2023 - 10:05 by admindo-dab66
ConnectWise Control AKA Screenconnect CLASSE runs a local Screenconnect server to provide next generation remote access in a secure, high performance manner which...
CLASSE Wiki.Computing Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the CLASSE Wiki.Computing web. These preferences overwrite the site level pref...
CLASSE Printers Please see Computing.PrintingAtCLASSE for printing instructions. Below is the list of available printers at CLASSE. Wilson Lab Location Print...
Nudge is an application to notify end users about macOS security updates they should install when a new security update for macOS is released, users of macOS de...
Announcements * Security Alert * Delay Sonoma Upgrade
Printing at CLASSE This page contains information on printing at CLASSE. General Information * IMPORTANT: To print to a CLASSE printer, you must be on a CLAS...
r27 - 14 Sep 2023 - 13:22 by MarlinGuest
Text Editor Packages available at CLASSE These packages currently available under Scientific Linux 7 (usless noted to work in SL6) . They are accessible from Win...
User Managed Installs If your installer looks like THIS ⬆️, click HERE for instructions If your installer looks like THIS ⬆️, click HERE for instructions ...
User Space Installs Using Disk Image (.dmg file) These instructions show how to install Firefox in your user space; similar steps are taken to install other app...
Install or update Google Chrome Install Chrome if it is not yet installed * Open the Self Service app (located in /Applications; or press Cmd Space, type Self...
July 29, 2013 Today's topics: Power Outage at Wilson Lab Saturday, August 3 Wilson Lab will be without power from 8AM until 12 noon THIS Saturday, August 3rd. ...
Main.MichaelRoman 23 Jun 2023 * UpdateInventory.jpg: * SearchChrome.jpg: * BrowseAll.jpg:
Thank you for using the PWM Password Management tool at CLASSE. If this is your first time activating your CLASSE account, please continue to the CLASSE Duo Devi...
User Space Installs Using Installer Package (.pkg file) * Download the Zoom installer for * Apple Silicon Macs from
Ansys at CLASSE Usage From a CLASSE Linux system, type: * Workbench Interface on Linux: * Ansys 19.2.0: /nfs/opt/ansys 19.2.0/bin/workbench * Ansy...
FileVault Instructions ONLY APFS VOLUMES ARE SUPPORTED *Mac needs to be bound to * CLASSE AD For new install no user account(s) yet exist. For post install us...
Part 1 Admin privileges required * Login as Admin * From the  menu, drag down to "System Preferences..." * Select "iCloud" icon and login as classe it...
Installing Multiple Versions of Java on Mac macOS allows installing different versions of Java. The version of Java being used is determined by setting the JAVA_...
Plotting, Graphing and Numerical Analysis Packages at CLASSE Please note, to request packages be installed locally on CLASSE managed Windows 10 and macOS systems,...
Excel Note: Excel is a spreadsheet and not a scientific graphing application. CLASSE IT recommends looking at dedicated plotting tools for accurate data analysis....
Computer Use for Visiting CLASSE Researchers Policies All visiting researchers are expected to comply with all CLASSE policies on computer use while using CLASSE...
Remote access to Linux machines Depending on your requirements, there are several options for remotely access CLASSE Linux resources. Function Recommended sol...
Computing Policy Information Computing Guidelines * Common Sense and Computer Use at CLASSE appropriate and inappropriate uses of CLASSE computers. * Campu...
USER INFORMATION %TWISTY{mode="div" start="hide" showlink="Show Table of Contents " hidelink="Hide Table of Contents" showimgright="" hideimgright=""}% Platform...
Storage Array Recovery Plan * Non backed up filesystems are being rsync'ed from the failing storage array (IFT6) while it is still available. * Backed up file...
r25 - 27 Dec 2022 - 23:43 by admindo-dab66
Your first logon to Windows at CLASSE CLASSE managed Windows computers run Windows 10 Enterprise. The instructions below apply to both. The first time you login o...
COMMON SENSE AND COMPUTER USE AT CLASSE The excellent computer complement that we are privileged to have at CLASSE has been provided by the taxpayers of the U...
r7 - 21 Nov 2022 - 15:41 by admindo-wms8
CLASSE IT Help Desk As of 13 Mar 2020, the Help Desk is closed until further notice Wilson Lab 229Mon Wed Fri 10 AM noon, 1:00 PM 4:00 PM Thu 2:00 PM ...
New User Orientation to CLASSE Computing Welcome to CLASSE! The information below is covered in our CLASSE New User Orientation Video and is available at http...
Installing Anaconda Python On macOS Anaconda Python can be installed by any CLASSE User, without Admin privileges, on any CLASSE Managed Mac. Quick Install 1 ...
Wilson 301 Projector and TV Setup Table / Laptop A user can bring their own laptop to be used to display with both the projector and the TV. There are three ca...
NEW - 26 Oct 2022 - 17:17 by MarlinGuest
CLASSE Group Management for Service Owners If you are a group manager, you can request security groups for permissions to files and programs that make sense for y...
* Update macOS * Update Zoom
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Topic revision: r1 - 16 Aug 2001, PeterThoeny
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