Connecting to a Linux Machine from Windows LNX201 is our general purpose Linux Interactive node. If you need to remotely access a Linux computer, you should conne...
CLASSE Management of macOS Computers Increasing adoption of Macintosh computers by CLASSE personnel has led to a need for Mac management software that helps us co...
LaTeX %TWISTY{mode="div" start="hide" showlink="Show Table of Contents " hidelink="Hide Table of Contents" showimgright="" hideimgright=""}% In general, TeX Live...
yEd at CLASSE Usage From a CLASSE SL7 Linux system, type: /nfs/opt/yed/yEd Documentation * Help and Suppor...
Pencil at CLASSE Usage From a CLASSE SL7 Linux system, type: /nfs/opt/pencil/pencil Documentation * Help and Suppor...
Tunneling VNC through SSH from Windows We recommend using the VNC VPN Instructions. These are older manual instructions. Please see our updated details at https:/...
Printing from Mac OS X This page contains instructions for printing from Mac OS X. Printing from a Macintosh is the same whether you are using a desktop machine ...
JDBC Resources in GlassFish and PayaraServer Note that these instructions work for Payara as well, which is based on GlassFish. Please submit a ServiceRequest if ...
Windows 10 Printing CLASSE Managed CLASSE Domain computers running Windows 10 will create printer queues for you automatically when you login. If the printer you...
What you should expect from a CLASSE managed system Computers provided by or purchased through CLASSE are the property of Cornell University. The CLASSE IT Group ...
Payara Many CLASSE users and groups are using the NetBeans IDE and Payara Application Server for developing and deploying java applications. "payara.classe.cornel...
FAQ: Why do my ssh sessions die if left idle for several minutes? ANSWER: Nothing on the CLASSE network should have a timeout that short, so our first guess at a...
Access to CLASSE Networks Some CLASSE computing resources are only accessible by devices on CLASSE networks. Devices on non CLASSE networks may connect to restric...
AppsAnywhere: Self Service Software Packages (New October 2018) CLASSE has deployed a new Windows application virtualization product, AppsAnywhere. CLASSE IT has ...
Subversion CLASSE supports a central Subversion repository available over HTTPS at . For a new area for your project or group, o...
Accessing Central Filesystems from Unmanaged Linux Boxes For example, laptops or home computers connected to our Computing/CmpGrp/Obsolete.OpenVPN server. CLASSE ...
CLASSE Network and System Status This page contains information on issues currently under investigation. If you know of or are experiencing any other problems, p...
Old LEPP Network Status Notices 2011 2013 This page contains information on issues that were under investigation in 2011 2013. If you know of or are experiencing...
December 10,2012 Today's topics: CLASSE userid and password needed for Lab. IT Changes As the Lab. makes a transition from autonomous LEPP and CHESS IT environm...
December 16, 2013 Today's topics: Computer security videos Cornell's central computer security group has produced several informational videos which are availabl...
Monday, May 13, 2013. Today's topics: CLASSE Windows License Server outage (PC176) Tuesday at 10AM We will be migrating the CLASSE Windows License server (PC176...
Configuring Computing/CmpGrp/Obsolete.OpenVPN for Personally owned Computers Download Video OpenVPN Tutorial download and view using VLC (for example) Inline ...
Using Computing/CmpGrp/Obsolete.OpenVPN on a CLASSE managed computer Downloadable Video OpenVPN Tutorial download and view using VLC (for example) Inline Vide...
Data Stewardship Video This video discussing Data Stewardship under Windows at CLASSE is about 10 minutes long.
Accessing Linux From Windows This 4 minute video shows how to access a CLASSE Linux computer from a CLASSE Windows computer. It shows how to run a simple program ...
Firefox Browser Log in to CLASSE web pages with Kerberos ticket (preset on CLASSE managed Linux and Windows machines) Please see ClasseAuthentication for more in...
CLASSE Computing Newsletters If you have any questions or concerns about items in these newsletters, please send email to service classe #64;
PSB 470 A/V Hardware and Wiring Diagram AV cabinet ☜ click/tap for full size image * PSB470.jpg: PSB470.jpg, full size, PSB470.pdf: PSB470.pdf, PSB470.graffle...
Checking SRF Reboot Records * Use ScreenConnect to connect to mp188, then unlock the screen with your admin credentialsSelect the reboot records tab at the bot...
Remotely access and control your Mac 1 Use ScreenConnect 2 Use Screen Sharing 1 Both Macs have to be on the same network; if you are offsite, use Prit...
Macintosh Standard Software Installs Desktop and Laptop Software Calendar Apple's built in calendar client; supports iCloud, Exchange and Google calendaring ...
CLASSE Authentication Wherever possible, new CLASSE systems and services authenticate using CLASSE usernames and passwords. For information on resetting your CLA...
Pacemaker Service Management Quick Start All of the below can be applied to individual resources, or to a full resource group. * pcs resource cleanup resource...
GitLab GitLab is the open source version of GitHub. Both are web based git repositories that come with a whole bunch of project management tools such as a web bas...
Java Web Application Development Java Java EE / Jakarta EE (Java EE 9 ) is the java specification for developing web applications and services. Currently, all C...
GlassFish CLASSE has migrated most production Java EE applications to Payara from Glassfish. For instructions on using Payara, please see PayaraServer. Many CLAS...
Open MPI at CLASSE Usage From a CLASSE SL7 Linux system, do the following: * To check the OpenMPI binary info of the default 4.1.1 version, type: /nfs/opt/ope...
Cmake at CLASSE Usage From a CLASSE SL7 Linux system, do the following: * To check the cmake binary info of the default 3.18.4 version, type: /nfs/opt/cmake/b...
SFTP / SCP file access Instead of using samba to access CLASSE filesystems, you may use any method that works with the SFTP/SCP protocols. Some popular options ar...
CLASSE Group Information CLASSE groups should be used when multiple people need access to a common file, directory, or filesystem. For a list of all groups, incl...
July 28, 2014 Today's topics: Wilson computer room AC upgrade, Aug 4 13; AC is down today. The main cooling unit in the Wilson computer room (W221) will be repl...
Remote Control with Zoom Start meeting 1. Start zoom * If you're on a Linux computer, type zoom from a terminal or click on "Applications" "Internet"...